
I Woke Up Like This

Discussion Guide

Conversation Starters

Pastor Levi likes talking about “the first time he visited Israel.” If you could visit any country, what would it be?
George Washington Carver found over 300 uses for peanuts. Give everyone one minute to list out as many uses for peanuts they can think of. The person to get the most unique uses wins!
Would you rather be woken up by a rooster crowing, a dog barking, a car alarm, or a baby crying?


Ask eGroup members to share their favorite points from the sermon, what spoke to them, a phrase or moment from the sermon they related to the most, or questions they have. If members have a hard time recalling the sermon, talk through your notes and share your favorite points.

Make It Personal

  • When you hear the word “generous,” what’s the first thing you think of? How would you define it? (Has the way you define that word changed over your lifetime?)
  • AMAZED — Read Genesis 28:10-22. Jacob didn’t have to earn God’s blessing — he woke up with it. What blessings are you waking up with that you’ve stopped recognizing? How have you tried to earn God’s blessing?
  • AMAZED — Share some reasons you might struggle to stay amazed in your day-to-day life. Are there things you can do to try and keep that perspective? (How can having an “amazed” perspective help you be more generous?)
  • INCLUDED — We get to be a part of God’s plan. What does that mean to you? Why do you think God includes us to carry out His plan? (What gifts or talents has God given you that you let Him use?)
  • INCLUDED — Who’s someone you know who’s really intentional about being part of God’s plan? Is there a habit or mindset they have that you could try to model?
  • INVESTED — Read Luke 5:4-5. Jesus told Peter to let down the nets, and Peter responded that he would let down the net. Where are you just going through the motions or stopping short of being generous? (What’s something you’re struggling to be generous with? e.g., time, love, money, support, etc. How has what you CAN’T do been stopping you from what you CAN do? What keeps you from investing in others? Your family? Your community? The church? Are there ways you can contribute (even small ways) that you haven’t been doing?)
  • INVESTED — Share your reaction to this statement: “Generosity releases us from the stronghold money has on our lives.” (How have you idolized money? What are you depending on money for? e.g., happiness, security, fulfillment, etc.) Talk about how that stronghold might keep us from being generous.
  • FORGIVEN — Even after his darkest day, Peter knew he was forgiven. What does it look like in our lives when we forget this truth? How can reflecting on it help us be generous?
  • Read Mark 4:38-39. Jesus woke up in control and in command — if He can rest in a storm, so can we. Share with the group what rest and peace you’re believing for in 2021. What’s a generous practice you can begin now to help you find that rest and peace?

Act On It

Think about the things or areas you’ve identified where it’s challenging for you to be generous. This week, stretch yourself to take a small step in being generous with it.

Prayer Requests And Prayer

Ask eGroup members to share any prayer requests they have. Record any notes or prayer requests to pray for members during the week.
Father, thank You that every day we wake up immeasurably blessed by Your grace. Help us foster a sense of gratitude for Your goodness — let that feed our desire to be generous every chance we get. In Jesus’ name, amen.