
Love Hard Even When It Is Hard — Lisa Harper

Discussion Guide

Conversation Starters

  • Lisa rides a motorcycle. Which would you rather ride: a motorcycle, an ATV (four-wheeler), or a go-kart?
  • Which would you be most likely to do on a long flight: sleep, listen to music, watch a movie, read a book/magazine, play a game, or talk to the person next to you?
  • Lisa is from Tennessee. If you were spending a weekend in Tennessee, which would you rather do: go hiking, visit the aquarium, rent a cabin in the woods, or go to the Grand Ole Opry?


Ask eGroup members to share their favorite points from the sermon, what spoke to them, a phrase or moment from the sermon they related to the most, or questions they have. If members have a hard time recalling the sermon, talk through your notes and share your favorite points.

Make It Personal

  • This summer, we’ve heard many encouraging messages about spiritual growth and maturity — Lisa talked about the messages from Pastor Floyd, Pastor Madu, and Pastor Steven. Which of these messages impacted you the most? Why?
    • Pastor Daniel Floyd — Work It Out (exercising and growing your faith)
    • Pastor Robert Madu — Get Over It (how to get over our offenses)
    • Pastor Steven — When The Battle Chooses You (focusing on God when battles are too big for you)
  • Lisa said our church is in a season of spiritual maturity. This summer, how have you seen your faith mature and grow?
  • Which parts of Lisa’s message connected with you the most? Why?
  • The passages Lisa read challenge how we share our faith and relate to others. What other scriptures came to mind during her message? How can they help us connect to the sermon on another level? (e.g., John 15:19, Ephesians 4:29-32, 1 Peter 3:15, etc.)
  • The early church shared about Jesus out of their gratitude for what He did. Why are you grateful for Jesus? What about His impact on your life makes you want to share your faith?
  • Read Acts 8:1-8. Even though early Christians were facing serious opposition, Philip still went to Samaria to spread the gospel. When have you run to someone to share your faith? What are some of the things holding you back from sharing your faith?
  • How would next week look different for you if you took action steps to apply this message? How would it change you and strengthen your faith?
  • Talk about some obstacles you might face in applying this sermon. How can the group support you?

Act On It

When you think about being loving when it’s hard or sharing about Jesus, who is the FIRST person who comes to your mind? Challenge yourself this week to reach out to that person. Reflect the same love Jesus showed you, and be willing to share about Him.


Ask eGroup members to share any prayer requests they have. Record any notes or prayer requests to pray for members during the week.
  Father, thank You for the incredible gift of Your love — Jesus Christ. We want to be a reflection of that love to the world around us. Reveal to us any places in our lives where our hearts have grown cold. Remind us of the grace we’ve been shown and what You’ve done for us, and show us opportunities to share Your love and Your message. In Jesus’ name, amen.