
That’s Not All You Are

Discussion Guide

Conversation Starters

What’s a nickname you were given when you were younger?
Who’s your favorite YouTuber or person to watch online/on TV?
You have to describe yourself to someone using only three things about you — which three do you pick?


Ask eGroup members to share their favorite points from the sermon, what spoke to them, a phrase or moment from the sermon they related to the most, or questions they have. If members have a hard time recalling the sermon, talk through your notes and share your favorite points.

Make It Personal

  • On a scale of 1-10, how quick are you to label things/others? (e.g., that’s bad, she’s perfect, today’s a tough day, he’s rude, etc.) (1 is slow, 10 is fast)
  • Read John 20:24-31. Thomas became known as “Doubting Thomas” after this. How do you identify with Thomas being labeled because of this moment? Share some labels people have given you.
  • Sometimes we tell ourselves what we are and what we’re not based on experiences instead of potential. What are some ways you label yourself or tell yourself, “That’s all I am”? (e.g., I’m unsuccessful because I only make this much money, I’m not normal because I don’t like what they like, I’m still single so therefore something’s wrong with me, etc. How have you been telling yourself what you are and what you’re not?)
    • What limitations do you need to unlearn? (What are some ways you’ve “condemned” yourself so you don’t have to change or grow? Have you turned a tool into an excuse, like “That’s just the way I am” or “I’m a perfectionist?”)
  • Labeling things limits them. Have you ever labeled or categorized God, or tried to summarize Him? (Have you ever made assumptions about God because He didn’t do something you wanted Him to?) Talk about a time when God challenged your understanding of who He is. (How did He show you “that’s not all I am”?)
    • Has there ever been a time when God showed you “that’s not all you are”? Share with the group what He showed you.
  • Read John 11:20-27. Martha honestly stated her disappointment that Jesus was not there sooner, but she still trusted Him even in disappointment by showing she understood that a healer wasn’t ALL Jesus was. What situations are you facing where you need to start saying, “God, that’s not all You are”? How could that free you to experience Him in a new way?
  • Go Deeper. Read John 11:38-44. The raising of Lazarus is the seventh sign Jesus performed that John records in his gospel. Instead of calling them miracles (which are events that point to God’s power and bring fear and wonder), John calls them signs, which are events that reveal a deeper meaning meant to help us respond. What are some deeper meanings you take away from the story of Lazarus? Talk about how those revelations can help you respond in your relationship with Jesus.
  • “I’m open.” Describe what it means to you to have a posture of openness to God. What do you need to do to be more open to what God wants to do?

Act On It

Get honest with God. This week, make an “I am  _________________ , but that’s not all I am” list. Have the faith to believe God is working even when you can’t see it, and working in ways that are for your good even if they’re not what you want.

Prayer Requests And Prayer

Ask eGroup members to share any prayer requests they have. Record any notes or prayer requests to pray for members during the week.
Father, thank You so much for the life and death of Your Son and for raising us to life with Him. Open our eyes to see how much bigger You are than we realize, and how much more blessed and called WE are than what we tell ourselves. In Jesus’ name, amen.