
Wasted Rain

Discussion Guide

Conversation Starters

What’s the best way to spend a rainy day?
Which is more peaceful to you: rain or snow? Why?
You get to choose one candy to rain on you. What is it?


Ask eGroup members to share their favorite points from the sermon, what spoke to them, a phrase or moment from the sermon they related to the most, or questions they have. If members have a hard time recalling the sermon, talk through your notes and share your favorite points.

Make It Personal

  • Read Isaiah 55:8-11. This passage compares God’s Word to rain — it waters the earth and yields bread. How has God’s Word been “rain” to you in your life?
  • You’re sitting and listening to a sermon — what are some things that might make the Word go down the drain as you listen? (e.g., wondering if someone else who “needs to hear this message” is listening, feeling drowsy, not taking notes, daydreaming, not thinking about how you can apply it, etc.)
    • What are you doing with what you hear? In what ways have you been letting rain go down the drain? (e.g., I gossip when I know I’m not supposed to, I listened to a podcast and forgot what it was about, someone asked me to pray for them but I didn’t, I don’t go back and look at my sermon notes, etc.)
    • God’s Word is like honey, milk, and a mirror — they all need a response in order to be effective. How can you challenge the way you’ve been responding to God’s Word? (What do you need to do to get it in you?)
  • Read Isaiah 55:7. Sometimes we need to forsake our thoughts — there is a forsaking before there’s a filling. What thoughts do you need to forsake before you can receive God’s Word? (What are you full of that’s keeping you from receiving?)
  • Pastor Steven said he has always loved the Word of God. What do you love about the Word of God?
    • Let’s be honest: How would you currently rank your excitement for the Word on a scale of 1-10? (1 is not excited, 10 is very excited) How has that number changed in different seasons of your life?
    • God’s Word is plentiful. What are your go-to ways for receiving the Word? (e.g., worship music, reading the Bible, listening to sermons, praying, talking with others, etc.)
  • Read Matthew 7:24-27. Rain reveals the rock. How have you experienced this?
  • What rain (truths or trials) have you received this year? How has your foundation been tested? (What faulty foundations have been revealed? What’s been sitting on the throne in your heart?)

Act On It

Pick one of these ways to act on “Wasted Rain” this week:
  • Make time each day to listen to worship music
  • Go back through your sermon notes from this year and pick something to challenge yourself with
  • Rewatch “Wasted Rain”
  • Watch a previous message from this year
  • Study 1 Kings 19, which records the story of Elijah running. Ask yourself if you’ve been running from what you prayed for, and what words made you start running.

Prayer Requests And Prayer

Ask eGroup members to share any prayer requests they have. Record any notes or prayer requests to pray for members during the week.
Father, thank You for supplying the rain we need in every season. Make us mindful of the rain we’ve been wasting — show us the supply we’ve been missing so we take part in all You have in mind for us. In Jesus’ name, amen.