
When Never Meets Now

Discussion Guide

Conversation Starters

  • Many Elevation campuses got snow this weekend. What’s the best way to spend a snow day (or a really cold day)? (e.g., reading by a fire, skiing, making a snowman, etc.)
  • Share about something you feel like you’ll never finish (or something you used to believe that about). (e.g., school, home selling/buying process, a difficult book, etc.)
  • What’s something you said you would never do, but you did? (e.g., own a dog, go to college, attend a big church, etc.)


Ask eGroup members to share their favorite points from the message, what spoke to them, a phrase or moment they related to the most, or questions they have. If members have a hard time recalling the message, talk through your notes and share your favorite points.

Make It Personal

  • On a scale of 1-10, how much do you deal with the word “never” in your mind? (e.g., I’ll never get married, that company will never hire me, I’ll never be good enough, etc. 1 is hardly ever, 10 is all the time)
  • Where is the devil telling you “never” in your life? How do you usually respond (or do you)?
  • Read Acts 10:9-15. Pastor Steven talked about our B.S. — belief systems and blanket statements. What’s a wrong belief system you used to have? How has God been updating your belief systems lately?
  • What’s a blanket statement you’ve heard? How can we challenge ourselves to reveal and overcome blanket statements we’ve allowed to take root inside us?
  • Read Acts 10:4-8. God told Cornelius where to get Peter, but He didn’t tell him why. Sometimes we are asking God when, why, who, where, or how, when we need to just obey because “it’s at the gate.” Share how you’re being challenged to obey God. (e.g., forgiving someone who hurt you, correcting a friend, making more time to spend with God, etc.) What’s a step you can take now to obey?
  • Read John 11:18-21. We all have times when it feels like Jesus will never show up and do what we’re waiting for. How do we invite Jesus into our “never,” even when we’re upset or disappointed things aren’t going the way we want?
  • A lot of our “nows” used to be “nevers.” Share about some “nows” you’re standing in that you didn’t think would ever happen, and celebrate God’s faithfulness as a group.

Act On It

Tell the group at least one “never” you need to reject. This week, invite God into that mindset or situation and take action NOW. Ask God to show you what you can do to obey now and experience what He has waiting at the gate for you.

Prayer Requests And Prayer

Ask eGroup members to share any prayer requests they have. Record any notes or prayer requests to pray for members during the week. 
Father, we all have “nevers” in our minds keeping us from being and doing all You have planned for us. We know You have a better “now” for us to replace every “never” the enemy has spoken, and we’re so grateful for that. We ask for the wisdom and perspective to recognize those “nevers” for the lies they are and that You will show us how to step into the truth of the greater “nows” You’ve prepared for us. In Jesus’ name, amen.