
Where Restoration Starts

Discussion Guide

Conversation Starters

Pastor Robert learned several lessons in 2020 (like our teachers are underpaid after spending so many days with his kids). What’s a lesson you learned in 2020?
What’s one rule you think is okay to break? (e.g., driving just over the speed limit, taking 12 items through the 10 items or less checkout line, jaywalking, wearing white after Labor Day, etc.)
Which of these Sabbath rules were created by the Pharisees? (True rules are in bold.) You can’t put out a fire, you can’t pick up litter, you can’t discipline your child, you can’t write two or more letters, you can’t eat more than two meals, you can’t untie a knot, you can’t bake bread, and you must nap for at least one hour.


Ask eGroup members to share their favorite points from the sermon, what spoke to them, a phrase or moment from the sermon they related to the most, or questions they have. If members have a hard time recalling the sermon, talk through your notes and share your favorite points.

Make It Personal

  • You can’t change what you can’t see. Pastor Robert’s mentor asked the question, “What’s it like to be on the other side of me?” What area or relationship in your life do you think would benefit from you asking that question? (Where do you think you’re most likely to have blind spots in your life?)
    • Share about a change you made in your life after recognizing it was needed.
  • When we want God to restore something, there are two things we can ask Him: “Help me see what I cannot see,” and “Could the Pharisee be me?” Read Mark 2:23-28. The Pharisees were good at seeing what was wrong with everyone else, but terrible at seeing what was wrong with themselves. How do you relate to them? (What do you think is the root of any thinking/beliefs that cause you to identify with the Pharisees?)
  • What’s your definition of restoration? God is a restorer. How have you seen God’s restoring power in your life?
    • Talk about something you believe God wants to restore to you. (e.g. joy, purpose, hope, trust, etc.)
  • Go Deeper. Read about two other healings that happened on the Sabbath in John 5:2-10 and John 9:1-7 In the first story, Jesus asks the man IF he wants to get well (because if the man had given up all hope of being healed, it would show he had a withered heart). In the second, He makes mud with His saliva to heal the man (because Jesus often used different methods of healing to move outside people’s expectations). God often doesn’t restore things in ways we expect. Why do you think that is? How can we develop our faith to believe for a restoration that might come in unexpected ways?
  • Read Mark 3:1-6. Jesus healed the man’s withered hand. What’s YOUR withered hand — the thing you’ve learned to live with? (e.g., anger, a broken relationship, a belief or mindset, distrust, struggling faith, lack of confidence, etc. Where are you experiencing brokenness in your life? How are you believing God for restoration?)
  • Jesus restored the man’s hand (what he had lost), but He also wanted to restore the Pharisees’ hearts (what they couldn’t see). Why is it often harder to be healed from the inside out? How have you been resisting healing in your heart?

Act On It

Stretch forth your hand this week. Ask God to help you see what you can’t see, and commit to listening when He shows you something. Also reflect on the question “Could the Pharisee be me?” Let God soften your heart to recognize where you can make changes.

Prayer Requests And Prayer

Ask eGroup members to share any prayer requests they have. Record any notes or prayer requests to pray for members during the week.
Father, thank You for Your willingness to help us see ourselves and Your plans to restore us. Open our eyes this week and show us where in our lives we’ve become withered so we can stretch forth our hands and receive the healing and the assignments You have in mind for us. In Jesus’ name, amen.