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Elevation Church
A group of people sitting in a circle, smiling and talking

Leading an eGroup

Create space for people.

You have what it takes to lead an eGroup

While the Sunday experience is powerful, the community we live with throughout the week keeps us grounded. As an eGroup leader, you’ll create space for people – whether that’s new parents, young adults, singles, or any other group you’re led to reach – to grow their faith and support one another. You don’t need all the answers; you just need to be willing and have a heart for community.

A group of people standing around a table, laughing energetically

Connect people

As an eGroup Leader, you’ll help people build real connections by meeting regularly, diving into sermons or studies, and supporting one another through prayer and life’s challenges.

A sitting man reads his bible while holding a pen

Activate faith

You’ll inspire people to grow in their relationship with Christ and create a space that encourages them to take steps in their faith as they grow closer to God by living out what they learn.

Becoming a leader is simple.

You’re just three steps away from starting your eGroup.


Share why you feel called to lead. We believe God will use your unique experiences to make a lasting impact.


Chat with an eGroups Director. Understand what it means to lead an eGroup and how we can support you.


Join an in-person or online orientation. Learn everything you need to know about hosting a successful eGroup.

Apply to be a leader

Your eGroup. Your calling.

eGroups are for everyone, and as a leader, you create a group that fits your passion and this season of your life.

Ready to lead?

If you’re passionate about connecting people and building a community that goes deep, we’re here to help you step into that calling. To get started, take the first step to begin your eGroup below.


Most eGroups range from 8-12 people, but the size can vary. Aim for a 10:1 member-to-leader ratio, considering how many people you can accommodate and support effectively.

Choose a meeting location that suits your group’s needs—your living room, a local café, a sports court, or online. Pick a time that works best for you and your members to encourage regular participation.

There’s flexibility here! Most meetings last 1-1.5 hours. You can include social time, worship, or jump straight into the discussion. Tailor each meeting to your group’s rhythm.

Many leaders use the Sermon Discussion guide, but you’re free to choose from other approved studies. If a curriculum requires a leader guide, we’ve got you covered. Youth eGroup Leaders have access to the YTH Catalog with monthly topics and resources.

It’s okay not to know everything! Reach out to your campus staff for help with any tough questions – they’re here to support you.

Some leaders serve for months, while others lead for years. Your commitment is flexible and can be discussed with your eGroup Director. Youth eGroup Leaders are asked to commit for a school year.

Consistency is key! Whether weekly or bi-weekly, set a rhythm that works for you and your group. Need advice? Your eGroup Director is available to help.

We believe God can use even the darkest parts of our past to help someone else in their pursuit of Christ. Your eGroup Director is the perfect person to share with as you navigate the eGroup Leader process.