Green Light At The Red Sea
Pastor Steven Furtick
Conversation Starters
You’re approaching a traffic light and the green light changes to a yellow light. Are you more likely to slow down or speed up?
If you could visit one landmark from the Bible, what would it be? (e.g., The Red Sea, Jesus’ tomb, Bethlehem, The Sea of Galilee, etc.)
Pastor Steven’s oldest son just got his driver’s license. Share a story about when you got your driver’s license or one of your earliest/favorite memories from driving yourself.
Ask eGroup members to share their favorite points from the sermon, what spoke to them, a phrase or moment from the sermon they related to the most, or questions they have. If members have a hard time recalling the sermon, talk through your notes and share your favorite points.
Make It Personal
“God is committed to me being free. He will split a sea to get me free.” How have you experienced this truth? What did God do to set you free?
Read Exodus 13:17-18. God had to lead the Israelites the long way out of Egypt because He knew they would change their minds if they had to face war. Only God knows when you’re really ready. What do you feel ready for that you haven’t received yet? (Is God giving you a red light or a green light right now? What challenges or encouragement are you experiencing because of it?)
We need to learn to be thankful when God tells us to stop. Share a time when God gave you a red light, and now you’re glad He did — or, share a time when God gave you a red light and you ran through it. What happened?
Read Psalm 106:7-12. The Red Sea represents something God’s people couldn’t cross on their own — it stood between them and their freedom. What’s the “Red Sea” in your life right now? (The Red Sea killed Israel’s enemies. What could your Red Sea be getting rid of for you? (e.g. arrogance, insecurity, destructive habits, etc.) How have you been tempted to “put it in reverse?”)
How is God giving you a “courtesy honk” to start moving on? (What does it look like to let God fight for us, but for us to keep moving instead of standing still?)
Look at Psalm 106:7 again. When you don’t remember, you rebel. How have you stopped remembering and been focused only on what’s in front of you? What are the dangers of forgetting who God is and what He’s done? (LEADERS: “Every testimony has a stage of terror.” Consider sending this question to your group members ahead of time if some of them are walking through a difficult season so they have time to process it.)
You’ve got GREEN. God wants to give you grace for your greatest embarrassment, resource for your deepest need, energy for your most draining relationships, evidence for your most stubborn unbelief, and navigation through your most complicated places. Which of those do you need the most right now? How can you walk into the coming week looking for God’s provision in that area?
Act On It
Think for a moment about what God revealed to You during this message and your discussion. Is God giving you a red light or a green light in this season? Tell the group about it, and do something this week to respond to what God’s telling you. (e.g., If He’s giving you a red light, show Him gratitude and be patient while you wait. If He’s giving you a green light, walk forward boldly in faith.)
Prayer Requests And Prayer
Ask eGroup members to share any prayer requests they have. Record any notes or prayer requests to pray for members during the week. Father, thank You for ordering our steps and our stops so we can walk in freedom — thank You for the times in the past and the times yet to come when You’re going to “do it anyway,” even though we make mistakes. Help us to not run away from our problems, but to move forward in confidence that You are with us, supplying every need, and showing us when to stop and when to move on. Open our eyes to see the GREEN You’re providing. In Jesus’ name, amen.