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Elevation Church

I’m Going Through But I’m Running Over

Pastor Steven Furtick

December 3, 2023
33min. read

Sermon Highlights 

  • “Jesus changes everything by changing me.”

  • “Your relationship with Christ changes your relationship with adversity.” 

  • “Spiritual Growth is a choice — you have to choose to grow through what you go through.” 

  • “The presence of adversity doesn’t mean the absence of the Lord.”

  • When we put it in the hands of Jesus, adversity is:

    • An Adjuster - it can help adjust our position/perspective. 

    • Access - it can be the way God releases extra grace.

    • Advertisement - it can show a greater picture of how God’s working.


Sermon Discussion

Conversation Starter 

  • Pastor Steven shared about Holly’s love of rainy days. What’s your favorite thing to do on a rainy day? 

Sermon Reflection

  • What part of the sermon was just for you?

Discussion Questions 

  • “Your relationship with Christ changes your relationship with adversity.”  Share a time when your relationship with Christ shaped the way you viewed an adversity you went through. 

  • “Spiritual growth is a choice.” What adversity are you currently facing and how can you choose to grow through it?

Additional Questions 

  • When put in the hands of Jesus, how has a past or present adversity become:

    • An Adjuster - How has it adjusted your position/perspective?

    • Access - How has it allowed you to access extra grace in certain situations?

    • Advertisement - How has it pointed to what God has done in your life?

Prayer Prompt

Ask this question to your eGroup and include it as part of your closing prayer:

What adversity are you currently facing — the valley (a situation), the shadow (a false belief), or the enemy (an obstacle)?

Pray that God will “anoint their heads with oil” and shape their mindset to see that He is with them and for them in every circumstance.