“Not Now” Is Not “No”
Pastor Steven Furtick
Sermon Highlights
Jesus shows us a pattern: a request, a refusal, a revelation.
There is a difference between “no” and “not now.”
It’s not happening on our timeline, it’s happening on God’s.
God isn’t saying “no” because He can’t do it, He’s going slow so we can learn – You weren’t rejected, you weren’t ready yet.
To see the miracle, you must first learn to pour (again and again).
John 2:1-10 - Jesus turns water into wine
John 11:21-22 - Martha knows Jesus can do a miracle
John 7:1-10 - Jesus goes to the festival in His own time
1 Corinthians 13:12 - One day we will know in full
Sermon Discussion
Conversation Starter
LOVE Week starts on Saturday! Head to the website together and choose an event you can do as a group (there are virtual events for our eFam!). If you’ve participated in LOVE Week before, share about your experience and a favorite memory from your time.
Sermon Reflection
What part of the sermon was just for you?
Discussion Questions
“You weren’t rejected, you weren’t ready yet.” Pastor Steven asked, “Is there an area of your life you’ve called ‘rejection,’ but God could be using it to get you ready for what’s next?”
“God isn’t saying ‘no’ because He can’t do it, He’s going slow so we can learn.” What could God be “slowly” teaching you in the area He’s getting you ready for what’s next?
Additional Questions
“It’s not happening on our timeline, it’s happening on God’s.” When has God shown up later than you wanted, but ended up being “right on time”?
“Jesus shows us a pattern: a request, a refusal, a revelation.” Where are you currently in this process (requesting, sensing a refusal/redirection, gaining a revelation)?
“To see the miracle, you must first learn to pour (again and again).” How can you continue to “pour” when you’re in the midst of waiting for a miracle (continuing to pray, continuing to serve, continuing to reach out, etc.)?
Prayer Prompt
Ask this question to your eGroup and include it as part of your closing prayer:
Pastor Steven reminded us that some of the best moments of our lives are still ahead–God is not done with us yet. Ask your eGroup: where has God said, "not now," that you need to apply this reminder?
Pray that each member will find comfort in knowing that God sees every “pour” we make (every prayer, every step forward, every moment of faith). Pray that God will bring revelation to the areas that feel rejected, and that your members will trust in God’s timing and process.