Page Turner
Pastor Steven Furtick
Sermon Highlights
“You have a story, but may need some help writing it – that’s where the Holy Spirit comes in.”
“The best stories all have messiness and something missing.”
“When something new is born in your life, something else may have to burst out. It's a necessary mess.”
“We think Judas was a villain when he was really a vessel, and we can think rejection was a curse when it was really a blessing.”
The enemy wants you to think you’re at the end of your story, but you’re just in the middle – the Holy Spirit is a page-turner!
“God is the one who makes it possible, but you are the one who makes it happen.”
Acts: 1:1-2; 12-22 – The beginning of Luke’s sequel
Luke 22:55 – Peter sat down by the fire
Psalm 69:25 – Psalms talks about Judas’s land
Psalm 109:8 – Psalms talks about Judas’s replacement
Sermon Discussion
Conversation Starter
Today, Pastor Steven talked about the Holy Spirit helping us share our stories. What’s your favorite story (a book, movie, etc.) of all time?
Sermon Reflection
What part of the sermon was just for you?
Discussion Questions
“When something new is born in your life, something else may have to burst out. It's a necessary mess.” What "necessary mess" have you experienced in your life that led to something new?
“God’s the one that makes it possible, but you’re the one that makes it happen.” What step can you take to turn the page in your life where you need to?
Additional Questions
“We think Judas was a villain when he was really a vessel, and we can think rejection was a curse when it was really a blessing.” When have you seen something as a curse, but it turned out to be a blessing?
“The enemy wants you to think you’re at the end of your story, but you’re just in the middle – the Holy Spirit is a page-turner!” Where do you need the Holy Spirit’s help changing the way you view your story?
Pastor Steven challenged us to “sit with the Holy Spirit.” When, and how, are you making time to do this?
Prayer Prompt
Ask this question to your eGroup and include it as part of your closing prayer:
In what area do you need to shift your perspective to see things the way the Holy Spirit sees them?
Take a moment and thank God for sending us the Holy Spirit to help us write our story. Pray that everyone can invite the Holy Spirit into their messiness, and change the way that they view their story. Pray that they are reminded that their story is not at the end, but in the middle, and that God’s grace allows us to turn the page.