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Elevation Church
Pastor Steven Furtick preaching "The God Nod" at Elevation Church

The God Nod

Pastor Steven Furtick

July 19, 2023
53min. read

Conversation Starters

  • If your group is meeting in person, play the classic card game Go Fish.

  • Pastor Steven said his and Holly’s marriage isn’t like what you see on sitcoms. What’s the funniest or worst marriage you’ve seen on TV?

  • Men can communicate with just a nod. Talk about a gesture you use a lot (or have seen used a lot) to communicate something nonverbally.


Ask eGroup members to share their favorite points from the sermon, what spoke to them, a phrase or moment from the sermon they related to the most, or questions they have. If members have a hard time recalling the sermon, talk through your notes and share your favorite points.

Make It Personal

  • What’s something someone else has told you they see in you? (e.g., leadership potential, a kind spirit, hidden talent, etc.)

  • Pastor Steven shared a question he’s always wrestling with: “God, what do you see in me?” Have you ever asked that? How can asking that question help you?

  • Read Luke 5:1-5. How can you believe you have the potential to be Peter if you still act like Simon? Where do you still feel like Simon? (Where in your life is Simon the loudest? How do you need to tell Simon to shut up? Simon is your flesh, preference, past, etc.)

  • You don’t even know what you’re made of yet. God knows how to pull the Peter out of Simon. How is God doing that in your life? (How is He growing/stretching you?)

  • What beliefs about yourself or past experiences/influences are keeping you feeling like Simon? Who told you that’s all you could be? (Is there someone or something limiting you from your potential and what God sees in you? How do you listen to God’s voice instead?).

  • Go deeper. “Real faith not only has to be solid, it has to be fluid.” What does that mean to you? Talk about what faith looks like when it’s solid and fluid, and how we can build both qualities.

  • Read Luke 5:6-11. Peter was scared of the blessing of all the fish because he was aware of his brokenness. How is God giving you the nod in this season? (Where is He calling you to be Peter? Peter is your spirit, purpose, future, etc.) What about that scares you? How can you take confidence from it instead?

Act On It

Each day this week, include this question when you pray: God, what do you see in me? When He shows you something, take a step to pull it out. Share with your group what God reveals to you!

Prayer Requests And Prayer

Ask eGroup members to share any prayer requests they have. Record any notes or prayer requests to pray for members during the week.Father, thank You for getting in our boat no matter what. Thank You for giving us all a new name. This week, we ask that You would speak to every Simon and draw out every Peter in us, and give us the strength to steward and develop what You show us. In Jesus’ name, amen.