The God of After
Pastor Steven Furtick
Sermon Highlights
“Whatever suffering you are going through is (1) only for now and (2) it’s not for nothing.” It’s temporary and has come for a reason.
“The devil hides the hook. Stop biting!”
Our rhythms and our readiness go hand-in-hand.
“The devil never attacks what you are right now. He attacks what you're going to be.”
When suffering lasts longer than you expect, you can remind yourself in the middle of it that the God of AFTER is at work.
1 Peter 5:8-10 - AFTER you have suffered, God will restore you.
Proverbs 20:7 - Blessings come AFTER.
Sermon Discussion
Conversation Starters:
Share about a time when you had a delayed reaction and came up with the perfect comeback — but it was too late to say it.
Discussion Questions:
Share a hook you got caught by and what you changed because of what you learned.
Where in your life do you find yourself “reacting”? How can you move from “reacting” to “responding”?
Additional Questions:
Have you faced the same hook or temptation multiple times? What behaviors are you repeating that invite the same hook or temptation, again and again?
“Our rhythms and our readiness go hand-in-hand.” What rhythms will help you be ready for when the enemy tempts you?
“The devil never attacks what you are right now. He attacks what you’re going to be.” What is God preparing you for next that’s so valuable it may be worth attacking?
Prayer Prompt
Ask this question to your eGroup and include it as part of your closing prayer.
Ask your eGroup, “What hook have you felt susceptible to lately?” Pray for God to help you build rhythms so that you’re ready when temptations come your way.