Sermon Highlights
“You’re not as far as you think you are.” God and His plan for our lives are closer than we realize.
“The more that I’m aware of the ‘already blessings’ in my life, the better I can deal with the ‘not yet’ questions.”
“The challenge now is to stand in the middle of my not yet and declare ‘Jesus is here.’”
Don’t give up yet. You might only be 8 feet away from the very thing you’re trusting God for.
John 21:4-9 – Jesus appears to the disciples from the shore
Luke 15:18-20 - The father ran to his son from a long way off
2 Corinthians 6:10 – Having nothing, yet possessing everything
Sermon Discussion
Conversation Starters:
Pastor Steven talked about his dad making his family breakfast on Sundays. What is your favorite breakfast spread?
Discussion Questions:
Where can you look back and see the phrase, “Jesus Was Here” tagged in your life?
What worry do you have this week that you need to acknowledge Jesus is “already there” in?
Additional Questions:
What are some of the “not yet” questions you’re facing right now, and how can your “already blessings” give you perspective while you wait?
In what area are you tempted to give up or stop trying? How can knowing you may only be “8 feet” away encourage you to keep going?
What have you believed you can’t do that you need to add a “yet” to. (example: “I don’t know how to do _____ yet”, “I’m not ready for ____ yet”, etc.)
Prayer Prompt
Ask this question to your eGroup and include it as part of your closing prayer.
Ask your eGroup, “What’s a ‘not yet’ that you’re waiting on God for?” Pray for everyone to find encouragement in knowing that God is not far from them in that “not yet.”