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What Can God Do With Damage?

Pastor Michael Todd

October 8, 2023
34min. read

Sermon Highlights 

  • “The value is still in me.”

  • “I am valuable, but I am damaged.”

  • “We have to deal with our damage because what isn’t transformed is transferred.”

  • “God won’t call you to a place He won’t carry you to.”

  • “God can do something miraculous with your damage.”

  • What does God do with damage?

    • He calls for it.

    • He carries it.

    • He covers it.

    • He converts it.

    • He commissions it.


Sermon Discussion

Conversation Starter 

  • Ephesians 2:10 says that we are God’s masterpiece. If you could have any priceless possession in the world, what would it be?

Sermon Reflection

  • What part of the sermon was just for you?

Discussion Questions

  • Share about how God has worked in and through your life to help you overcome “damage” you’ve experienced in the past. 

  • What’s an “I’m still _____” that you have that God is still working on in your life? What next step do you need to take to allow God to transform it?

Additional Questions 

  • Where are you in the process of letting God deal with your damage (Call, Carry, Cover, Convert, and Commission)?

  • Pastor Mike provided the reminder that, “the value is still in you.” What do you believe God is still calling you to do despite any “damage” you’ve faced in your past?

  • Think of someone who has turned their past damage into a positive force for God. What lessons can you take from their story?

Prayer Prompt

Ask this question to your eGroup and include it as part of your closing prayer:

What damage from your past do you need to let God deal with? 

Pray that each member is reminded of their value and that they have the courage to bring their damage to Jesus, and see God use it to bring them into what He’s called them to.