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Elevation Church
Pastor Steven Furtick preaching "Been Here Before" at Elevation Church

Been Here Before

Pastor Steven Furtick

July 19, 2023
78min. read

Conversation Starters

Looking for a way to get the group talking? Try one of these conversation starters.

  • We’re in our Year-End Offering season! We wouldn’t be where we are without the faithful generosity of so many people before us. Share how Elevation Church has been a blessing to you.

  • Our word to look forward to as a church for 2023 is “Promise.” What was your word this last year and how did you see God move through that word?

  • It’s Thanksgiving this week! In the spirit of thankfulness, share 3 things you’re grateful for.

Sermon Reflection

Help transition the group to the discussion with one of these questions. 

  • What stood out to you from this week’s message?

  • What part of the message encouraged/challenged you the most?

Sermon Discussion

Select 1-2 themes from the sermon to discuss with your eGroup.

  • Read Deuteronomy 8:15-16. Pastor Steven reminded us that God uses the wilderness to build our faith for what’s next by sifting out the things that might distract or hinder us from who He’s called us to be.

    • Looking back on your life, how have you seen God’s provision in the midst of a wilderness season?

    • Share about a time when God used a wilderness season to sift out something in you.

    • What’s one area God is currently bringing clarity to in your life?

  • “Confidence in God’s promise without commitment to His process is not dependence, it is delusion.” – Pastor Steven

    • Share a promise you’ve been believing God for.

    • What process do you need to start to see that promise come to pass?

    • What’s one step you can take this week to start “His process” and see “His promise” come to fruition in your life?

  • Sometimes, we let labels limit us from stepping into God’s promises.

    • What labels have you placed on yourself or on a situation in your life?

    • Is there a label that you’ve let define you that has kept you from possessing a promise God has given to you?

    • What’s a practical step you can take this week to move past the label and begin the process of overcoming it?

  • Read Deuteronomy 9:2. The Anakites represented fear for the Israelites. “Who can stand up against the Anakites?” was a common question because they chose to lean into fear instead of trusting God.

    • Look back over your life, what are some “Anakites” (fears) you’ve faced in your past that God has brought you through?

    • What are the personal “Anakites” that you’re currently facing right now?

    • How can you create “uhhhh God” moments by reminding yourself of His power and presence?

Activating Faith

Challenge your group to keep activating their faith. Make this a part of your eGroup time or send this activity to them after you meet.In Romans 8:31 we learn that if God is for us, no one can be against us. God is never surprised by our situation and goes before us every step of the way. Even in the midst of the wilderness, uncertainty, and long periods of waiting, God is fighting our battles and working on our behalf.

  • Write Romans 8:31 on a notecard. Hang this on your mirror or in a place where you’ll see it this week as a reminder that when you’re facing struggles, fears, or doubts, God is in control.


Close out your group with prayer using one of these options:

  • An Interactive Prayer

    • Break into pairs and share what promises you’re trusting God for in this season. Pray for one another and ask God to grant you the faith to believe that the promise will come to pass, no matter what struggles you may be facing.

  • A Guided Prayer

    • Father, thank you that you promise you will never leave us nor forsake us. Help us to trust in your process, even when we’re faced with challenges and grant us the faith to believe that you go before us every step of the way. Thank you for the promises you speak over us and your power to bring them to fruition. Amen.

Additional Resources

Want to help your group go deeper after you meet? Send them one of these resources that relates to the sermon topic.

  • Listen to “Firm Foundation” by Maverick City to encourage you through a wilderness season.

  • A reminder that God is for you even when it seems that everything else is against you, watch this YouTube Short by Pastor Steven.

  • Listen to “Graves Into Gardens” by Elevation Worship to help you remember the power of our God to do the impossible.