Better Than Ever: 2021 Year In Review
Elevation Staff
Conversation Starters
What was your favorite memory from 2021?Do you have any resolutions for 2022? Share them with the groupIf your team hasn’t shared your words for 2022 yet, do that and talk about why you chose it. (Here’s the word generator if anyone in your group wants to create an image with their word.)Leader Tip
If anyone in your group wants to listen to or watch the sermons referenced in this past weekend’s message, share the links below with them!
Ask eGroup members to share their favorite points from the message, what spoke to them, a phrase or moment they related to the most, or questions they have. If members have a hard time recalling the message, talk through your notes and share your favorite points.
Make It Personal
What was the most meaningful sermon of 2021 for you? Why?
Share some of the highs and lows you’ve experienced in the past year. What’s one way you experienced God’s favor?
What are some ways God spoke to you or challenged you this year? How did you grow?
In “Better Than Ever,” we saw parts of the sermons “Same Devils, New Levels,” “Running On Empty,” “A Troubled Mind And An Open Door,” and “Stop Crying, It’s Coming!” Earlier this year, did you apply something from one of those sermons? Share one way you felt challenged when you saw these clips this past weekend.
Go deeper. Use these questions to talk about each sermon clip.
“Same Devils, New Levels” — The strategy has to match the season. Talk about your approach to this season and the battles you’re facing. Where is your strategy outdated? (Is there a strategy that made you successful in one season, and it’s making you weary in this one? What steps can you take to update your strategy?)
“Running On Empty” — What does “pouring out” mean to you? How do you need to just keep pouring? (Share with the group one way you’ve seen the fruit of your pouring out. When you’re in survival mode, you want to hoard everything you have. Are you hoarding anything like resources, words, time, etc.?)
“A Troubled Mind And An Open Door” — The enemy wants to keep you focused on the disappointments, outcomes you can’t control, offenses you can’t get over, and regrets of opportunities you can’t get back. Which of those is most challenging for you? Tell the group some examples of how you’ve been focusing on that instead of the doors in front of you.
“Stop Crying, It’s Coming!” — The people who got to see Solomon’s temple were discouraged during the rebuilding process because the new temple didn’t look like the former one. What’s something you’ve been wishing could be like it was before? How can you approach it with the expectancy that God is going to do a new thing?
Act On It
This week, spend time in your sermon notes from 2021. Reflect on what God did in you and around you in 2021, and ask yourself what lessons you need to keep in front of you for 2022.
Prayer Requests And Prayer
Ask eGroup members to share any prayer requests they have. Record any notes or prayer requests to pray for members during the week. Father, thank You for the favor You showed us this year, and thank You that You always have better in mind for us. Help us keep this year’s moments and blessings with us as we walk into a new year so we can be constantly reminded of Your goodness, grace, and strength. We believe the best is yet to come, and we ask that You would help us grow so we can fully experience it. In Jesus’ name, amen.