Challenge The Shadow
Pastor Steven Furtick
Conversation Starters
Looking for a way to get the group talking? Try this conversation starter.
What are you doing this summer to rest, relax, or work on some new projects?
Sermon Reflection
Help transition the group to the discussion with one of these questions.
What did God reveal to you through this week’s message?
What was your main takeaway from the sermon?
Sermon Discussion
When you challenge a shadow, you can accept “what is” and still believe in God for something greater. What situations in your life have you just accepted that you haven’t brought to God for consideration in prayer?
Read 2 Kings 20:2-3. Share a time when you wept bitterly and prayed faithfully. How did you see God work in that situation?
“No Challenge, No Change!” What is God calling you to start challenging to bring change into your life?
“Even if the situation doesn’t change, the way that you see it can.” How can you reframe your situation so that you can see it as a new beginning instead of a dead end?
“If the shadow just went down the steps like it’s supposed to, you wouldn’t know it was God.” Describe a time God did something differently than how you expected that reminded you that He was at work in your life.
Pastor Steven encouraged us to “drag the things we are ashamed of out of the shadows and bring them into His presence.” What is one practical thing you can do this week to bring these things into “the light”?
Activating Faith
Challenge your group to keep activating their faith. Make this a part of your eGroup time or send this activity to them after you meet.
Pastor Steven encouraged us to “drag the things we are ashamed of out of the shadows and bring them into His presence.” What is one practical thing you can do this week to bring these things into “the light”?
Write down some of your beliefs that are unfounded or untrue. (examples: “I don’t have enough time,” “It’s too late for me,” or “This is just how I am,” etc.)
For each statement, do the following:
1. Write down the “shadow” (limiting belief).
2. Intentionally and sincerely bring that belief to God.
3. Find a Bible verse that reaffirms the truth God has given you.
Tip: Use the search feature in the Bible app, or talk to a trusted friend to identify some Bible verses that correct the shadow thought or speak to a similar situation.
4. Write the verse down and put it somewhere you will be able to see it throughout the week as a reminder to focus your faith on what you know is true about God.
Close out your group with prayer
God, we’re thankful that nothing is too difficult for you. We trust that you can do the miraculous in our hearts, our relationships, and our circumstances. Help us see those “shadow areas” in our lives that we need to drag into your light. Align our hearts to see things from your perspective as you work things out for our good and for your glory. Amen.
Additional Resources
Want to help your group go deeper after you meet? Send them one of these resources that relate to the sermon topic.
When you need to declare that God can do anything and that your story isn’t over yet, listen to “More Than Able” by Elevation Worship
To explore another shadow concept in the Bible, read Psalm 36 and discover the comfort of hiding in the shadow of God’s wings.
Check out The Basin, Pastor Steven’s YouTube playlist, for his latest bonus teaching.