Concealed But Not Canceled
Pastor Steven Furtick
Sermon Highlights
“Sometimes, the greatest gift that God gives you is hiddenness.”
“Man can’t cancel what God created.”
“What you call a curse, God calls a quiver. Don’t curse your quiver!”
“You’re waiting for things to go right, but sometimes blessings come from the left.”
“You're a left-handed warrior from a right-handed tribe.”
“God has brought you to this moment of your life because you are a weapon in His hand to do good in His kingdom.”
Isaiah 49:1-4 - a polished arrow hidden in God’s hand
Judges 3:12-21 - victory comes from the left hand
Sermon Discussion
Conversation Starter
It’s Elevation Church’s 18-year anniversary! Share when you first started attending Elevation, and a favorite memory from our church.
Sermon Reflection
What part of the sermon was just for you?
Discussion Questions
“It was nothing but the hand of God.” Fill in the blank and praise God: “It was nothing but the hand of God that ________ happened in my life.”
“Sometimes, the greatest gift that God gives you is hiddenness.” Where do you feel “hidden” in your life right now? How might God be using this “hiddenness” to prepare you for the future calling He has for you?
Additional Questions
“You're a left-handed warrior from a right-handed tribe.” What has God already placed in your hand in this season? How do you think God is calling you to steward what He’s already placed in your hand?
“You’re waiting for things to go right, but sometimes blessings come from the left.” Share about a time when you experienced an unexpected blessing “from the left.” (When you hoped for a blessing from one source, and instead got it from a source you didn’t expect).
Prayer Prompt
Ask this question to your eGroup and include it as part of your closing prayer:
What have you been calling a “curse” that God calls a “quiver”? (Something you perceive as a weakness that God wants to use for His glory).
Pray that each member will lean into God’s “polishing” process and trust that they are a weapon in God’s hand to do good in His kingdom.