Cutting Room
Pastor Steven Furtick
Sermon Highlights
“Not only do we need to see miracles, mistakes, and the message, but we also need to see the method. When I’m under attack, how do I respond rather than react to it?”
The Cutting Room of our lives:
The Review – “The cutting room isn’t about a place; but about the people who influence you. You are always editing, and you need help.”
The Reframe – “Go Wide and Go High. This is bigger than me, but God is bigger than this.”
The Release – “When you release, God releases [the Holy Spirit].”
Acts 4:23-31 - After processing, the disciples were filled with the Holy Spirit.
Psalm 118:24 (ESV) - This is the day that the LORD has made.
Sermon Discussion
Conversation Starter
If you could go to the cutting room of any movie, show, or book and change a certain part or ending, what would you change?
Sermon Reflection
What part of the sermon was just for you?
Discussion Questions
The Cutting Room of our lives:
The Review: “The cutting room isn’t about a place; but about the people who influence you. You are always editing, and you need help.” Who in your life do you need to invite into your Cutting Room?
The Reframe: “This is bigger than me, but God is bigger than this.” Fill in the blank: “______ is bigger than me, but God is bigger than ______.” Where in your life do you need to use this to reframe your situation?
The Release: “When you release, God releases [the Holy Spirit].” What is God calling you to release in this season? (expectations, regrets, your plans, etc.) How can you invite the Holy Spirit to empower you as you release those things and move forward?
Additional Questions
“Not only do we need to see miracles, mistakes, and the message, but we also need to see the method. When I’m under attack, how do I respond rather than react to it?” When you’re under attack, what can help you Respond rather than React?
Prayer Prompt
Ask this question to your eGroup and include it as part of your closing prayer:
Pastor Steven taught us: “This is bigger than me, but God is bigger than this.” This week, where will you need help reminding yourself of this truth?
Ask God to help each member keep God in proper focus, and remind them that He is higher, wider, and bigger than anything they will face this week. Pray that God will fill them with His Holy Spirit as a fresh refill for whatever battles they face.