Destiny and Direction
Larry Brey
Sermon Highlights
“Declaring Jesus as Savior determines destiny; declaring Jesus as Lord determines direction.”
“You need to upgrade your definition of Jesus. You’re living in an outdated revelation.”
“When you have a different definition, you won’t trust the direction.”
“Your destiny is determined by the decision: who is Jesus?”
“What are you feeding that God told you to starve?”
“When Jesus becomes the Lord of your life, you become more concerned with feeding others than with feeding yourself.”
“The direction of your life is controlled more by the small, daily denials than it is by the big decisions.”
Mark 1:16-17 - Jesus calls the disciples
2 Peter 3:18 - Grow in the grace and knowledge of Christ
Matthew 16:13-17 - “Who do you say I am?”
Ephesians 2:8 - It is by grace that you are saved
Mark 6:30-37 - Jesus feeds the five thousand
Mark 6:51-52 - The disciples’ hearts were hardened
Luke 22:31-34 - Jesus predicts Peter will deny Him
John 21:15-19 - Peter declares Jesus as Lord
Sermon Discussion
Conversation Starter
Larry Brey talked about going to the beach with his kids. What is your favorite summertime activity?
Sermon Reflection
What part of the sermon was just for you?
Discussion Questions
“When you have a different definition, you won’t trust the direction.” What word is God changing the definition of in your life right now? (Examples might be: “Lord,” “Savior,” “Forgiveness,” “Grace,” “Wilderness,” “Rest,” etc.)
“What are you feeding that God told you to starve?” What is one area that you’ve been feeding that God has called you to starve? (Examples: insecurity, greed, gossip, pride, etc.)
Additional Questions
“The direction of your life is controlled more by the small, daily denials than it is by the big decisions.” How have you seen small denials shape the direction of your life?
“When Jesus becomes the Lord of your life, you become more concerned with feeding others than with feeding yourself.” How has God used your past wilderness seasons and the grace you received there as a way to feed others?
Prayer Prompt
Ask this question to your eGroup and include it as part of your closing prayer:
Pastor LB taught us that declaring Jesus as Lord of our lives is a “many times a day” decision. Ask your eGroup: when was the last time you asked Jesus to be Lord of your life? (Lord of your decisions, not just Lord of your destiny)
Pray for God to strengthen each of your members and provide them with the grace needed to deny themselves in all of the “daily denials” God calls them to this week. Pray that as they deny themselves, they will experience a deeper understanding of God and His love for them.