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Elevation Church
Pastor Steven Furtick preaching "Faithful With A Few" at Elevation Church

Faithful With A Few

Pastor Steven Furtick

July 19, 2023
60min. read

Conversation Starters

  • We’re celebrating all the people who were raised to life and made new through Baptism this Sunday! Share an area of your life where you believe God can or will do new things.

  • “There is a message in this for me.” Pastor Steven encouraged us to make this week’s sermon personal. What’s one message God was sending you through this sermon?

  • We had a great time at our church-wide Block Party this weekend. What’s been your favorite event this summer?


Ask eGroup members to share their favorite points from the message, what spoke to them, a phrase or moment they related to the most, or questions they have. If members have a hard time recalling the message, talk through your notes and share your favorite points.

Make It Personal

  • There are so many ways to praise God. What are your favorite ways to praise, and what are some new ways you’d like to explore praising Him? (e.g., worship music, prayer, poetry, art, dance, etc.)

  • Read 1 Chronicles 16:19. In this passage, David is celebrating what God can do with a few things. David stopped every six steps to give God praise. Name a few things you’re grateful for in this season of your life.

  • Fill in the blanks: If I had more [BLANK] then I could [BLANK]. If I had more [money], then I could [buy my dream house]. What are some practical ways to remind yourself of the few things you have instead of focusing on what you don’t? 

  • Pastor Steven reminded us that one of two things can happen when we don’t pivot to praise: we’ll run into pride when things are going well or live in a prison of our circumstances when things are going poorly. Share a time when you’ve experienced one of those moments. How do you think praising God in those times would have made a difference?

  • There are times when God has a strange way of bringing things together. Share an experience that seemed strange or unusual to you at first that later worked out in your favor.

  • Pastor Steven saw his first worship team grow when he spoke by faith, worked towards his goals, and watched God bring things to fruition. What’s one goal you’re working towards? What word of faith will you speak over that goal as you’re believing God for His help?

  • “I don’t know everything God has called me to, but I do know a few.” What are a few things that God has called you to do that you can focus on in this season of your life? (e.g., He called you to be a parent, love people, be generous, etc.)

Act On It

Let’s live by faith and praise God this week! Pastor Steven gave us several ways to live by faith:

  • Celebrate by faith

  • Praise by faith

  • Worship by faith

  • Decree by faith 

  • Rejoice by faith

  • Walk by faith

  • Talk by faith

  • Give by faith

Pick one of those points and share with your eGroup one way you can use it to live by faith this week.

Prayer Requests And Prayer

Father, thank You for who You are and everything you do in our lives. Help us recognize You in the small, subtle moments of our day. Remind us to give You glory when we reach our goals. Show us how to stay focused on You when unexpected things happen. We praise You for being the Lord of our lives. In Jesus’ name, Amen.