Forward Not Finished
Pastor Steven Furtick
Conversation Starters
Looking for a way to get the group talking? Try one of these conversations’ starters.
Think about one of your favorite books or movies. What do you like about it? Share how it would’ve been a different story if it the book or movie finished a few chapters or minutes early.
Would you rather have a fast forward, pause, or rewind button on your life? Why?
Sermon Reflection
Help transition the group to the discussion with one of these questions.
What stood out to you from this week’s message?
What from the message encouraged you/challenged you the most?
Sermon Discussion
Select 1-2 themes from the sermon to discuss with your eGroup.
We often focus on changing our situations, but God wants to change our point of view. Time changes the way we see our stories. We see things one way as they are happening, but differently when we look back. No matter where we are in the story, we need to remember that God is still at work writing it.
Describe a season in your life where you thought something was one way, but looking back, you see it differently. (example: you thought it was a blessing, but it turned out to be a trap. Or you thought it was a tragedy, but it turned out to be a blessing in disguise.)
Share an area in your life now that seems final, but you’re trusting that God is still at work in it? (example: an estranged relationship with a family member, loss of a job)
What is one thing you can do throughout this week to keep your point of view on the fact that God is still at work in your story?
We sometimes struggle to accept changes in our lives when things aren’t going to be the way they used to be. But if we don’t continue to move forward when difficult changes come, we can risk missing out on what God wants to do in our lives.
How do you typically respond to change in your life?
Share something you’re working to accept in order to move forward in it?
What can you do this week to embrace your present reality and begin to move forward?
Read Deuteronomy 34:8. The feeling of mourning wasn’t over, but the period of mourning was. It was time for the Israelites to move on.
How can a person move forward when they don’t feel ready yet?
Share an area in your life where you’ve been grieving, but you’re ready to ask God to help you move on from.
What steps can you take to move forward, in spite of your feelings?
Read Deuteronomy 34:9. Instead of reading “it’s over now,” we need to begin reading, “It’s over. Now…” Share about what you’re ready to believe God for now in your life.
Activating Faith
Challenge your group to keep activating their faith. Make this a part of your eGroup time or send this activity to them after you meet.The only way forward is to take action. We have to accept the things that are changing, but also recognize what God is doing now. Grab some paper and create two columns. One column is for “It’s over now.” List some of the things that “seem” to be over in your life. The second column is for “It’s over. Now…” Write down some things that God has shown you about how to move forward into what is coming. Throughout the week, take some time to pray over the things that God has shown you in the second column. Prayer in expectation of what God is going to do in those situations. Example 1:
It’s over now.
My marriage
It’s over. Now…
God keeps reminding me that He isn’t done writing my story. I am going to wake up and do something every morning to remind me that God is still with me, like going for a walk or having a time of worship as I start my day.
Example 2:
It’s over now.
My finances due to my addiction
It’s over. Now…
God is not done with me yet. So I am going to join a support group to help me overcome my addiction and write two goals that I want to accomplish in the next month so I can start to see God at work in my life, even though I don’t have it all figured out yet.
Close out your group with prayer using one of these options
An Interactive Prayer
Pair people into groups of two. Ask group members to share with their partner one step they’re hoping to take to move forward in what God has for them this week. Then, have a brief time where they can pray for one another. Encourage them to continue to pray for each other throughout the week.
God, thank you that there is so much more to each of our stories. Thank you that since we’re still breathing, you aren’t finished with us yet. Help us to have your perspective so we can see you continuously at work in our lives. Show us how we can move forward in spite of our unanswered questions and unfinished faith. Help us to start with a few small steps forward as we walk into the promises you have for our future. In Jesus’ name we pray, Amen.
Additional Resources
Want to help your group go deeper after you meet? Send them one of these resources that relates to the sermon topic.
Listen to “My Testimony” by Elevation Worship to remind yourself that if you’re not dead, God’s not done!
Watch “If You’re Not Dead, God’s Not Done,” an excerpt from Pastor Steven’s sermon, ”Not Dead Yet.”