Found Fishing
Pastor Steven Furtick
Conversation Starters
Looking for a way to get the group talking? Try one of these conversation starters.
How did you celebrate Easter this year?
“Getting in a place of gratitude is one of the greatest skills you can develop.” Share something you are grateful for today.
Sermon Reflection
Help transition the group to the discussion with one of these questions.
What stood out to you from this week’s message?
What from the message encouraged you/challenged you the most?
Sermon Discussion
Select 1-2 themes from the sermon to discuss with your eGroup.
Read John 21:1-7. The disciples were in an “in-between” season. They were between what God did and knowing what they were going to do next. They weren’t sure what their next move was. But the “in-between” places are where God reveals things about himself and about us that we need for our next season.
Share something God has taught you during an “in-between” season.
What would be considered an “in-between” place that you’ve experienced recently?
When you aren’t sure what to do next, what do you tend to do? (Ex. get stuck waiting, take a leap, go back to what you knew)
What can you do in your “in-between” season to make sure you don’t miss what God wants to teach you?
Read John 21:1-7. Peter struggles because he knows that Jesus is alive, but he’s dealing with the guilt and shame of denying Him three times. When he encounters Jesus here, Peter experiences complete restoration. Pastor Steven talked about Easter being a “Reset Sunday,” because when you experience the resurrected Jesus, a “brand-new you” begins. When we “reset,” we are restored and free from sin, guilt, and shame.
How can someone’s perspective, whether they feel guilt or “reset,” affect confidence in their daily lives?
Share a time when you were able to hit the “reset” button and have a fresh start. How were you blessed by that “reset”?
In what area of your life are you ready to “reset” and start fresh with God? What actions can you take to get started with your “reset”?
Pastor Steven showed us that Peter wasn’t saying, “I’m giving up.” He was saying, “I’m going back.” If you don’t know what to do, do what you know to do. Looking for Jesus in our daily lives will help us to find Him in “in-between” places.
What practices can help someone be more aware of God’s work, presence, or direction in their life? (Ex. journaling/writing down what God has done, hearing a song that reminds you about a time God did something in your life)
Share a time when you felt like you experienced Jesus impacted your life. How can revisiting that moment encourage you in your life when you’re in the “in-between”
What practical step can you take this week to continue, or to start, “going back” to God? (Ex. get back in the Word, start going back to church on Sundays, be consistent coming to eGroup, etc.)
Peter wasn’t the only one fishing that morning. Pastor Steven called Jesus the real fisherman because he was already on the shore “realing” Peter in. Jesus knows how to bring us into our “real” selves and He’s calling us back to Him.
What is the significance to you that Jesus is calling you regardless of your past or even your present?
What is God calling you into this season to start becoming the “real” you?
Share a practical step you will take this week to respond to Jesus “realing you” in?
“You will find what you fish for in this life.” Let’s spend some time fishing this week. Share about each of following:
What do you want to stop fishing for in your life? (Ex. frustration, offenses, anxiety, etc.)
How can you start fishing for Jesus more in your life this week? (Ex. read the Bible App in the morning instead of going on social medial)
Activating Faith
Challenge your group to keep activating their faith. Make this a part of your eGroup time or send this activity to them after you meet.
Today is a “Reset Sunday.” Often, we know the things we can do that help move us forward, and we know the things we can do that will hold us back. Take some time to reflect on what you already know to help move you forward into what God is speaking to you.
On a sheet of paper, write down some things that you know to be true, and some commitments you will make based on that knowledge. Share them with your group as you make a commitment to moving forward this week.
I know that when I take time to practice gratitude in the morning I am more positive and able to see the work that God is doing in my life.
I commit to writing down something I am grateful for and thanking God for it every morning before I wake up.
I know that scrolling social media in the morning puts me in a bad mood and makes me more anxious and short tempered throughout my day.
I commit to not scrolling social media before I’ve prayed.
Close out your group with prayer using one of these options
Pair group members and ask them to share about any prayer requests. Specifically ask them to share about any areas they are ready to hit the “reset” button in and give to God. Have the groups pray for restoration, freedom, and any other specific needs.
God, thank you for dying on the cross for our sins. Thank you for Jesus’s resurrection that gives us hope so we can live with you for all eternity. Remind us in our “in-between” places that you are with us. We give you the guilt and shame that sometimes holds us back from complete freedom in you. Thank you that you are continuing the work you’ve started in us, and that you aren’t finished with us yet. Help us to bring you glory and honor as we go throughout our week. Help us to see you at work and to prioritize real, true, encounters with you this week. In Jesus’ name we pray. Amen.
Additional Resources
Want to help your group go deeper after you meet? Send them one of these resources that relates to the sermon topic.
Listen to “Here Again” by Elevation Worship to invite God to meet you in the in-between places.
Watch Pastor Steven’s brief video called “Let God Give You a Reset” for more guidance on how to get your “reset.”
Listen to “More Than Able” by Elevation Worship (feat. Chandler Moore & Tiffany Hudson) to be encouraged this week.