Get To The Good Part
Pastor Steven Furtick
Leader Tip
If someone you know is having suicidal thoughts and needs immediate help, the National Suicide Prevention Hotline number is 1-800-273-8255. If you have any concerns about someone in your group or know someone who is interested in counseling, please notify your eGroup Director or Care Team Leader.
Conversation Starters
What TV show have you seen the most seasons of?You can only pick one emoji to use for the rest of your life: fist bump or thumbs-up?What does the word “good” mean to you? What are some better words that you use? (e.g., amazing, outstanding, incredible, etc.)
Ask eGroup members to share their favorite points from the sermon, what spoke to them, a phrase or moment from the sermon they related to the most, or questions they have. If members have a hard time recalling the sermon, talk through your notes and share your favorite points.
Make It Personal
On a scale of 1-10, how would you rate yourself on seeing the good in any situation? (1 is really bad, 10 is really good)
Read Genesis 50:19-21. In this passage, Joseph told his brothers that God was using the wrong things they had done to him for good. Share about a time God worked something good out of a situation when you didn’t expect it (or think it was even possible).
Joseph got to see the good part because he went through the dark part. Where are you walking through something dark? How does Joseph’s story challenge or encourage you?
Sometimes, before we get to the good part in our lives, we have to get to the good part in our minds. What can you do to get to the good part in your mind? (Are there dark parts you’re currently navigating where you’ve already been able to “get to good” in your mind? How has that changed the way you’re moving through them?)
There’s a part of every person that’s dark. How do you relate to that? (How have you let your dark part run the show?) Talk about how knowing that truth can help you give yourself grace and what it looks like to lean into God’s grace when we’re battling against our dark parts.
There’s also a part of every process that’s dark. What are you close to letting die in the dark? (e.g., a relationship, a degree or job opportunity, a dream like writing a book, etc. In what ways do you not want to continue or push through?) Read Psalm 23. What can you do to “make it to the table”? (Are there any things you already let die in the dark, but you can take steps toward continuing that journey now?)
Read Isaiah 5:20. Have you ever done what this verse says? What are some ways you see culture living this verse out?
Read Romans 8:28. The part that feels good isn’t always the part that IS good, and vice versa. What’s something you can look at in your life right now and say that it IS good even though it doesn’t feel good? What’s good about it? (What is God working in or through in your life? Are there other things that are good you might be overlooking?)
God calls something good when it serves its purpose. How does that challenge your perspective? Read Matthew 6:25-33. Talk about how this passage encourages you to trust God in what He calls good, even if He doesn’t have the same definition of good as you do.
Act On It
SEE THE GOODGet a pen and paper. Write down a darkness you’re experiencing in your life. Each day, look for the good in the dark, then on that same piece of paper, write down the good you see God working out of that dark place. Write down the good you’re believing God is working out of the dark parts. Put the paper somewhere you can see it each day this week, and thank God for the good things He is doing.If you’re not experiencing a darkness in your life, what can you do to support someone who is? Share this message and your takeaways with them, and do what you can to help them get to the good part.
Prayer Requests And Prayer
Ask eGroup members to share any prayer requests they have. Record any notes or prayer requests to pray for members during the week.Father, thank You for always having good plans for us. Give us faith to stand in dark places and call them good because of Your presence and Your trustworthiness. In Jesus’ name, amen.