God Gave It To Me
Pastor Steven Furtick
Sermon Highlights
Take care of what God gave you – the One who gave it also expects you to guard it.
You are much more than your gift and your glitch.
The worst weapon with God is better than the best weapon without Him.
Which weapon is the best? The one you’ve got!
When it starts with God, it ends in victory; when it starts with me, it ends in defeat.
When you refocus, God refills.
Judges 15:14-20 - God brings Samson victory with a jawbone.
1 Corinthians 4:7 - All of our gifts and talents are from God.
Matthew 25:14-29 - If God gave it, do something with it.
Sermon Discussion
Conversation Starter
Pastor Steven shared about a Bible his father-in-law gave him that he would never sell. Share about a gift you’ve received that isn’t worth much but is invaluable to you.
eGroup Highlights
What’s your highlight from this week’s sermon?
Discussion Questions
“The worst weapon with God is better than the best weapon without Him.” When has God equipped you with something unexpected that helped you overcome a challenge?
“God gave it to me." Where do you need to be reminded of this today?
Additional Questions
“When it starts with God, it ends in victory; when it starts with me, it ends in defeat.” Where have you experienced victory in your life that could only have been from God?
“Take care of what God gave you – the One who gave it also expects you to guard it.” What are some things that God has given you that you need to protect for what He’s called you to? (ex. A dream, a gift, a passion)
“You are much more than your gift and your glitch.” What gift or glitch do you need this reminder over?
Prayer Prompt
Ask this question to your eGroup and include it as part of your closing prayer:
“When you refocus, God refills.” Ask your eGroup: where do you need to be refilled in your life? Where are you distracted and need to refocus on God?
Pray that each eGroup member will experience God’s refreshing and refilling this week. Pray that God will help them and guide them to refocus totally on Him. Pray that each member will be able to trust that God is working through every battle and victory they face, even when they don’t see Him.