God Has Given Me Everything I Need For The Season I'm In
Holly Furtick
Sermon Highlights
“God has given me everything I need for the season I’m in.”
“You don’t get to decide your destinations in life, but you get to decide what you pack – you don’t have to pack light!”
“God has given you everything you need for the season you're in, but maybe He gave it to you in an earlier season.”
“You don’t need more. You need to take inventory of what you already have.”
“When you’re packing, you have to make a list so you don’t forget what you have.”
“You’re packing today what you’ll have tomorrow. Don’t forget to pack your praise!”
“When you pack your soul with gratitude, it will not miss an opportunity to praise God.”
“Even though your season is temporary, go ahead and unpack.”
Exodus 12:29-36 – The Israelites plunder the Egyptians
Exodus 15:19-21 – Miriam praises with her tambourine
Jeremiah 29:4-5 – God tells the Israelites to get planted
Jeremiah 29:11 – God is the Master Planner
Sermon Discussion
Conversation Starter
Today, Pastor Holly talked about how she packs for vacation. Are you an over-packer or a light-packer for trips? What’s your dream vacation spot?
Sermon Reflection
What part of the sermon was just for you?
Discussion Questions
“You don’t need more. You need to take inventory of what you already have.” What are you learning today that you can use tomorrow?
“When you’re packing, you have to make a list so you don’t forget what you have.” What’s on your list? (What has God given you?)
Additional Questions
“Don’t forget to pack your praise!” What are you thankful for today, and how can that encourage you when you need it?
“God has given you everything you need for the season you're in, but maybe He gave it to you in an earlier season.” Share a time when you handled a situation better than in the past because of something you learned earlier.
Prayer Prompt
Ask this question to your eGroup and include it as part of your closing prayer:
Where do you need help remembering to pack your praise this week?
Pray that each member would be reminded that God has given them everything they need for the season they’re in. Give them the insight to take inventory and see all that God has given them for their situations. And help them remember how faithful our God is as the Master Planner of our lives.