God's Got The Hard Part!
Pastor Steven Furtick
Sermon Highlights
Nothing God starts, starts any way but small
God’s not so high that He doesn’t see how hard it is for you
Just because you’re not aware of God doesn’t mean He’s not there
When you focus on the hard thing, you forget your help
Your sowing is not the most significant thing in the sovereignty of God
I’m coming up different
The seed can’t stay in your hand and become a harvest — let go.
You keep praising while God keeps producing
Before it’s buried, it’s already bread.
Mark 4:26-29 — The parable of the growing seed
Sermon Discussion
Conversation Starter
Pastor Steven talked about explaining life before Google to Graham. What’s another generational difference that you think is difficult to explain?
eGroup Highlights
What’s your highlight from this week’s sermon?
Discussion Questions
“Before it’s buried, it’s already bread.” Share a time you saw God use something small in your life to bring about something fruitful.
“When you focus on the hard thing, you forget your help.” What hard thing has been consuming your attention that you need to allow God’s help in?
Additional Questions
“Nothing God starts, starts any way but small.” What small step is God calling you to take in your life right now?
“The seed can’t stay in your hand and become a harvest — let go.” What have you been holding on to that you need to release to God this week?
“I’m coming up different.” What area of your life needs this declaration?
Ask this question to your eGroup and include it as part of your closing prayer:
In Pastor Steven’s prayer at the end, he said, “You keep praising while God keeps producing.” Ask your eGroup: What can you praise God for right now, in the hard place?
Prayer instructions:
Pray that your group is able to see their help more than the hard thing this week, and that they would experience God’s peace as they take small steps to open their hands and trust Him.