God Works In Mysterious Ways
Pastor Rich Wilkerson Jr.
Sermon Highlights
Maturity in Jesus leads us to deep humility
Faith re-routes where I take my questions
Great faith is when you take God at His Word
There’s an answer to your affliction: Jesus
Jesus will help you find meaning in the mystery you’re up against
God’s love for you outweighs your faith in Him
God will act when you don’t even have the strength to ask
Can you trust that God is working, even when you’re waiting?
Get up: Change your position so God can change your perspective
When Jesus acts, praise reacts
Luke 7:11-17 — Jesus brings a widow’s son back to life
Luke 7:16-17 (MSG) — God at work is a holy mystery
John 11:1-44 — Jesus raises Lazarus from the dead
Sermon Discussion
Conversation Starter
Pastor Rich shared a story about being trapped in an airplane restroom. How long would you have waited before yelling for help?
eGroup Highlights
What’s your highlight from this week’s sermon?
Discussion Questions
“When Jesus acts, praise reacts.” How has God come through for you that deserves a grateful response from you?
“Can you trust that God is working, even when you’re waiting?” Where have you been waiting that you need to trust “the invisible hand” is at work?
Additional Questions
“Get up: Change your position so God can change your perspective.” Where is God calling you to get up instead of lying down under the weight of affliction?
“Great faith is when you take God at His Word.” In what area of your life do you need to take God at His Word right now?
“Jesus will help you find meaning in the mystery you’re up against.” Share a time you found meaning after an affliction God brought you through.
Ask this question to your eGroup and include it as part of your closing prayer:
Pastor Rich said, “God will act when you don’t even have the strength to ask.” Ask your eGroup: Where are you weary from asking today?
Prayer instructions:
Pray that faith would rise in your eGroup and that each member would be encouraged to know that God is at work in their situation, even when they can’t see it. Pray that they would see evidence of the hand of God at work in their lives this week and that they would praise God for how He’s going to bring them through.