How Did We Get Here?
Travis Greene
Sermon Highlights
“The place that you're in might be a surprise to you, but what is new to you is old to God.”
“Even in the low place, there is a plan.”
“If it’s in your way, it’s just a set up for God.”
“God is conditioning the unconditional worshiper in you.”
“There’s another darkness to be aware of: the darkness of lacking vision.”
Mark 10:46-52 - Jesus heals a blind man named Bartimaeus.
John 9:1-3 - Jesus heals a man blind from birth.
Psalm 34:1 - “I will bless the Lord at all times …”
Sermon Discussion
Conversation Starter
Pastor Greene talked about how some people can get really loud in church. On a scale from 1 to 10, where would you say you fall on the quiet to loud scale?
Sermon Reflection
What part of the sermon was just for you?
Discussion Questions
How has God used a previous setback as a set up for something that He did in your life? What would it look like to praise God right now, even in the midst of a setback?
“There’s another darkness to be aware of: the darkness of lacking vision.” We all have had seasons when we’ve felt our vision slipping. How have you overcome any previous season of darkness and how did God show up on the other side?
Additional Questions
“I’m not praising Him because He will, I’m praising Him because He can.” How can you better train yourself to be a ‘proactive praiser’?
If you’re currently in a low season, what are some practical ways that you can still look for beauty in the midst of it? ?
Before Jesus even healed him, Bartimaeus “threw off his cloak” (a symbol of his blindness) and followed Jesus. What is a label that God is calling you to “throw off” as you head in a new direction?
Prayer Prompt
Ask this question to your eGroup and include it as part of your closing prayer:
“Where have you lost your vision and how can we as an eGroup encourage you in getting it back?”
After each person has answered, take some time to pray that each of them will have renewed vision and hope this week.