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Elevation Church

I Can't Stay Here

Pastor Earl McClellan

June 23, 2024
60min. read

Sermon Highlights 

  • "Even a good place can become a grave if you stop growing. You can’t just preserve it, you have to keep pursuing it."

  • "If you stay in the same spot, thinking the same way, doing the same thing, you will die. You have to do something."

  • "If you take a step here, God may do a miracle over there.” 

  • "We want God to show us before we take a step. God’s way is for us to step by faith and trust."

  • "You don’t know whether or not it will work out. Take the step anyway and see what God will do."

  • "Bad things grow when they are kept secret, but good things that are kept a secret can lose their power. We have to share them."

  • “The Holy Spirit fills us up and raises us up to our feet.” 


  • 2 Kings 7:3-11: Four lepers take a step and God responds miraculously in ways they didn’t expect.

  • Ezekiel 2:2; 3:24: The spirit raises us to our feet.

  • Acts 1:8: You will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes.

  • Acts 2:1-4: The Holy Spirit fills believers.

Sermon Discussion

Conversation Starter 

  • Pastor Earl McClellan commented about one of the lepers who had the crazy idea to go up to the enemy’s camp. Share a story about a time a friend did something outrageous or unexpected for (or with) you. 

Sermon Reflection

  • What part of the sermon was just for you?

Discussion Questions 

  • "If you take a step here, God may do a miracle over there.” How can we better trust that God can work miracles even when we can't see the whole picture?

  • "We want God to show us before we take a step. God’s way is for us to step by faith and trust." Share a time when you took a step of faith, even though you weren't sure of the outcome. What was the result?

Additional Questions 

  • "Even a good place can become a grave if you stop growing. You can’t just preserve it, you have to keep pursuing it." What are some signs that you might be stagnant in a seemingly "good place”? What is one step you can take this week to keep pursuing growth in an important area of your life?

  • "If you stay in the same spot, thinking the same way, doing the same thing, you will die. You have to do something." Have you ever felt stuck in a rut? What did it feel like? What are some things that can keep us from taking steps to move forward?

  • "Bad things grow when they are kept secret, but good things that are kept a secret can lose their power. We have to share them." How can we overcome any hesitation we might have about sharing the good things God has done in our lives?

Prayer Prompt

Ask this question to your eGroup and include it as part of your closing prayer:

Pastor McClellan reminded us that “the Holy Spirit fills us up and raises us up to our feet.” 

Ask your eGroup: The same Holy Spirit that raised Elijah to his feet is within each of us. What doubts or insecurities do you need to let go of so that you can confidently take your next step in faith? 

Pray that each group member will release their limiting beliefs and that God will give them the confidence to take a step. Pray that God would do mighty miracles with even the smallest steps taken in faith this week.