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Elevation Church
Pastor Steven Furtick preaching "Instruments Of Victory" at Elevation Church

Instruments Of Victory

Pastor Steven Furtick

July 19, 2023
114min. read

Conversation Starters

Looking for a way to get the group talking? Try one of these conversation starters.

  • Pastor Steven talked about working at his first job all summer to buy his guitar. Go around and have everyone share about their first jobs.

  • ELEVATION RHYTHM just released their new album! What is your favorite song and why?! Check it out here:

Sermon Reflection

Help transition the group to the discussion with one of these questions. 

  • What stood out to you from this week’s message?

  • What from the message encouraged you or challenged you the most?

Sermon Discussion

Select 1-2 themes from the sermon to discuss with your eGroup.  

  • When God called Gideon a “mighty warrior,” Gideon didn’t initially feel that way. Gideon had been in the wrong hands for so long that he’d lost sight of who he really was. It took him a while to believe what God said about who he was — an “interesting instrument” to be used in God’s hands.

    • How have you felt like an “interesting instrument” in God’s hands? Share about a time when you knew God was calling out a certain quality from within you, but you were tempted to minimize it (examples: strength, courage, patience, worthiness).

    • Where do you feel God wants to use you as His instrument in your current season?

    • This week, how can you remind yourself of the things God has spoken over you and called you to be? (examples: writing verses on your mirror, memorizing scriptures, listening to worship music).

  • Read Romans 6:13. You are a very valuable instrument (so valuable that Jesus died for you). We are all living instruments, either in the hands of God or in the hands of the enemy. Pastor Steven said, “it’s time to take back the instruments we’ve been letting the enemy use.”

    • Share an example of when you have seen the right instrument placed in the wrong hands, compared to seeing it placed in the right hands. (examples: a musical instrument, someone driving a car, you playing a video game versus your kid playing the same game, etc.)

    • What gift of yours have you battled giving to the enemy to make use of? (your mouth, mind, emotions, finances, time, etc.)

    • Fill in the blank: “I have been presenting my _______ to the enemy long enough, and I’m taking it back!”

    • What is a practical step you can take this week to “take back” something from the enemy and place it in God’s hands?

  • Read Judges 7:2. “The first thing God had to do for Gideon was to get him to let go of some things.” “It’s not always the devil when your life is downsized. Quit giving him the credit!” God shows us that sometimes we need to let go of some things so we can focus on the things that are actually dependable.

    • Share about a time when you felt “downsized” and it ended up being a blessing.

    • What has God put in your hands right now, and how do you see Him using it for your season ahead?

    • What would it look like for you to let go of what God is asking you to let go of (downsize) in order to move into what He’s calling you to?

  • Read Judges 7:10. Gideon felt afraid to go down to the Midianite camp and that’s okay. “You can tremble, that’s the feeling. But you can’t turn back, that’s the commitment.”  Pastor Steven taught us that “we will see the victory when we have felt the fear and discouragement and still pressed through.”

    • Share a time when you’ve felt afraid about a situation, but chose to press forward anyways. How did you see God show up in that situation?

    • Where are you currently experiencing “trembling,” but feel God is calling you to press through?

    • What is one step forward you can take this week toward what God is calling you to, even if you feel fearful?

  • “I’ve got what it takes to win.” Share an area in your life that you are declaring victory over this week.

Activating Faith

Challenge your group to keep activating their faith. Make this a part of your eGroup time or send this activity to them after you meet.  

  • Pastor Steven taught us that we have what it takes to win! Maybe we’ve been in the wrong hands for too long or have doubted who God says we are. It’s time to place ourselves back in God’s hands as His instrument. To God, we are His invaluable instruments and He has great plans for each of our lives.

  • Take a moment to write down areas that you’ve given yourself into the enemy’s hands. Spend time in prayer, asking God to help you reclaim the areas you’ve given away and place them back in His hands. Write out a list of some action steps that you want to accomplish this week to start reclaiming this area. Put this list somewhere where you’ll be able to see it everyday (example: Hang it on your mirror, make it your phone background, etc.)

  • Then ask God to fill you with his Holy Spirit to enable you to be an instrument in His hands. Take some time to sit and breathe — reminding yourself that God’s breath (Spirit) is within you, and that you are God’s chosen instrument.


Close out your group with prayer using one of these options

  • An Interactive Prayer

    • Split up into pairs and share with one another where you feel God is calling you to step forward, even if you’re afraid. Pray that God would give each of you courage to press on and a reminder of His presence within you.

  • A Guided Prayer

    • Dear God, thank you that there is no battle that I face that you are not with me in. Please remind me of how valuable I am to you. Help me to rely on your Holy Spirit this week as I step forward into what you’ve called me to do. Please use me as an instrument of your love. In Jesus’ name, amen.

Additional Resources

Want to help your group go deeper after you meet? Send them one of these resources that relates to the sermon topic.  

  • Watch “Taking Control of your Mind” by Pastor Steven to discover three important questions that can control your state of mind, for better or worse.

  • Listen to Wind of Love by ELEVATION RHYTHM and Joe L Barnes when you need encouragement to let the Holy Spirit take control.

  • Watch this short film to be reminded how to lean in and listen when your problems seem louder than God’s presence.