It’s Going To Happen Here
Pastor Steven Furtick
Sermon Highlights
You’re not rotten; you’re ripe.
God can make you fruitful in the place you want to be freed from.
Just because I didn’t choose to go through it doesn’t mean I can’t choose to grow through it.
The goodness of God is a perspective.
Suffering did not ruin you; it revealed you.
Your surrender turns your suffering into soil.
Genesis 41:50-55 - Joseph names his sons
Deuteronomy 6:12 - God brings the Israelites out of Egypt
Romans 8:18 - Suffering doesn’t compare to the glory to come
1 Samuel 16:7 - God looks at the heart
Sermon Discussion
Conversation Starter
Elevation Worship’s new album, When Wind Meets Fire, dropped this week! Go around and share your favorite song and why. (Listen here!)
Sermon Reflection
What part of the sermon was just for you?
Discussion Questions
“Suffering did not ruin you; it revealed you.” Share a time when God produced fruit in your life that you wouldn’t have without suffering.
“Just because I didn’t choose to go through it doesn’t mean I can’t choose to grow through it.” Where do you need to refocus from going through it to growing through it?
Additional Questions
“The goodness of God is a perspective.” When you’re in the midst of challenging circumstances, what helps you keep focused on God’s goodness and blessings?
“God can make you fruitful in the place you want to be freed from.” What step can you take to be fruitful while waiting to be freed?
Prayer Prompt
Ask this question to your eGroup and include it as part of your closing prayer:
Pastor Steven said, “Your surrender turns your suffering into soil.” Where are you currently experiencing suffering?
Have each person spend some time surrendering their hurts and dark places to God. Pray that God will begin to bring forth fruit out of the dirt and darkness. Pray your eGroup members know that they are exactly where God wants them to be and that He is with them in every moment.