It's The Motion That Matters
Pastor Steven Furtick
Sermon Highlights
The most important skill isn’t stepping out in faith, but learning to step out in doubt.
We Behold. We Believe. We Behave.
Faith is not a feeling, it’s a behavior.
Even if I stretch my hands shaking, it’s the motion that matters.
You don’t have to go fast; you just have to go forward.
2 Corinthians 5:7 - We walk by faith, not by sight
Exodus 14:10-14 - Moses at the parting of the Red Sea
Matthew 14:22-31 - Peter walks on water
Sermon Discussion
Conversation Starter
It’s not too late to find a LOVE Week event to serve. Where are you serving this week?
Sermon Reflection
What part of the sermon was just for you?
Discussion Questions
“The most important skill isn’t stepping out in faith, but learning to step out in doubt.” Share a time when you saw God move after taking a “step of doubt.” (Stepping out even though you don’t have all the answers).
“Faith is not a feeling, it’s a behavior.” Where do you need to start behaving by faith, even though you don’t feel faith?
Additional Questions
“We Behold. We Believe. We Behave.” What shift do you need to make in what you behold or believe, for a necessary shift to happen in your behavior?
“You don’t have to go fast; you just have to go forward.” What area of your life do you need to apply this reminder, where moving forward doesn’t feel fast?
Prayer Prompt
Ask this question to your eGroup and include it as part of your closing prayer:
Pastor Steven taught us: “Even if I stretch my hands shaking, it’s the motion that matters.” Even if we step out in doubt, it’s the motion of stepping out toward God that matters. Ask your eGroup: Where is God calling you to “stretch out your hands” while shaking?
Pray that each of your eGroup members will take a step of faith this week, even if it means moving forward with shaking hands and uncertainty. Pray that God will honor and bless their step of faith, no matter the size.