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Elevation Church
With Title

Lame Excuses (Robert Madu)

Pastor Robert Madu

July 19, 2023
125min. read

Conversation Starters

Looking for a way to get the group talking? Try one of these conversation starters.

  • Share one of the “lamest” excuses you have ever made or heard.

  • Are you the type of person who responds immediately to texts, or forgets to text back? Are there certain instances where you do one or the other?

Sermon Reflection

Help transition the group to the discussion with one of these questions. 

  • What stood out to you from this week’s message?

  • What from the message encouraged you/challenged you the most?

Sermon Discussion

Select 1-2 themes from the sermon to discuss with your eGroup.  

  • God has given each of us the ability to respond to the call He has given us. Pastor Robert Madu challenged us about how we can sometimes respond to God with “lame excuses.” Some of the greatest figures from the Bible responded with excuses, but God sees past our excuses and wants us to move forward into our purpose

    • Why do you think it’s so tempting to list excuses in response to God’s calling?

    • What lame excuses have you given, or are giving, for why you haven’t stepped into your calling?

    • What can you do, starting this week, to fully embrace what God’s calling you to do and eliminate your lame excuses?

  • Read John 5:6-7. The man responded to Jesus’ questions with a lame excuse. He was distracted by the pool that he once hoped would heal him, even when Jesus stood before him ready to give him the healing he was looking for! He had lost hope that he would be free from what held him back. Some of us have felt stuck for so long that we’ve started believing, “it is what it is.” But Pastor Robert Madu came to encourage us to “dream again.”

    • What kinds of things can distract you from the presence of Jesus in your life or keep you feeling stuck?

    • Have you ever lost hope that God would do a work in an area of your life? How has your disappointment affected your walk with God?

    • What steps can you take to renew your hope and dream again?

  • Read John 5:8-9. Jesus healed the man who then had to get to the hard work of being whole. All of us are broken in some way. When we’re made whole, we have to abandon our excuses to step into who God has made us to be. It’s better to be whole, but you have to be ready for the opposition you’re going to get from the excuses.

    • In what broken areas are you sensing that God is making you whole again? Or where are you praying God will make you whole again?

    • What hard work do you think might be in store for you when you continue to give up your excuses and move forward in that wholeness?

    • What can you do to keep from giving up, giving excuses, and prepare for the opposition you will face as you move forward?

  • “When people see you holding on to what you used to lay on, it’s a living testimony of what God has done in your life.” One word from Jesus brought healing to the man. When Jesus asked him to take his mat and walk, he was asking him to carry the thing that he once relied on as a living testimony. Even things that we are ashamed of can become a testimony of God’s goodness and grace.

    • Share about a time when you have been inspired by someone’s testimony.

    • Share about something in your life that God has brought you out of that you no longer need to rely on.

    • How can you use your testimony of what God has done in your life to make an impact in someone else’s life around you? (Start leading an eGroup for students, serving at a local ministry, etc.)

Activating Faith

Challenge your group to keep activating their faith. Make this a part of your eGroup time or send this activity to them after you meet.  

  • “Stop with the lame excuses.” Spend some time reflecting about areas in your life where you try to “exonerate yourself from responsibility” by listing excuses. (If you need help with this, ask a trusted friend or family member. They are often more aware of this than we are!)

  • Create a list of the areas where you find yourself making excuses. Note the excuses you frequently make in those situations. Then take some time to reflect on why you make excuses in this area, and ask God for the strength to stop making excuses. Finally, brainstorm and write some ideas on what you can do to drop the excuses and fulfill your responsibilities.

  • Example:

  • I often use lame excuses for not attending church events.

    • Excuses: I’m too busy, I’m too tired

    • Really: I am overwhelmed with my list and church is the easiest thing to drop without affecting others

    • Ideas: I need to reexamine my commitments and eliminate some things that aren’t important. Since church IS important to me, I will put it on my calendar and plan things around events so I don’t miss them.

  • I am always late and use lame excuses for why.

    • Excuses: Traffic, kids, alarm

    • Really: I struggle with time management and I have been going to bed way too late, so I have a hard time getting up in the morning.

    • Ideas: I’m going to set an earlier bedtime and stick to it. I am going to also set a few extra alarms on my phone so I am out of bed when I need to be and progressing in my morning routine on time.



Close out your group with prayer using one of these options

  • In the message, Pastor Robert Madu talked about the man being comfortable sitting by the pool, until Jesus came and questioned him about what he really wanted. Imagine you are spending time in your favorite comfortable spot when Jesus approaches you and asks you to tell him what you really want. Think beyond superficial things (like a fancy car or a million dollars) and truly consider the deeper wants (like approval or acceptance). Share your responses with your group and pray over your responses.

  • God, thank you for inviting us to fulfill a purpose in your kingdom. Please help us this week to acknowledge the responsibilities that you have for us and become aware of the excuses that we use to hold ourselves back from walking in your calling. We want to be a testimony of your goodness and grace, so as we move forward in faith, help us to stand strong and be a testimony of what you’ve done in our lives. In Jesus’ name we pray. Amen.

Additional Resources

Want to help your group go deeper after you meet? Send them one of these resources that relates to the sermon topic.