Look Forward Not Far
Pastor Steven Furtick
Sermon Highlights
It’s important to always have something to look forward to.
You need a better because.
Sometimes, God won’t give you the conclusion, He’ll just give you courage.
It’s ok not to know.
You don’t need clarity to trust God. Your future is not certain, and your hope is Christ.
When you are torn between what’s easy and what’s needed, let your purpose pull you forward.
It’s dangerous to not look forward. It’s just as dangerous to look too far forward – Look forward, not far.
The presence of God is good enough to keep me out of these chains today.
Sometimes, God gives you a taste of what tomorrow could taste like. You are closer than you think.
Philippians 1:18-26 - Paul is torn.
Numbers 13:27-28 - The Israelites are torn.
Sermon Discussion
Conversation Starter
What is one thing you’re looking forward to this week?
Discussion Questions
“It’s dangerous to not look forward. It’s just as dangerous to look too far forward – Look forward, not far.” Where in your life have you been looking too far ahead? What’s one step right in front of you that you can take this week to keep heading in that direction?
“When you are torn between what’s easy and what’s needed, let your purpose pull you forward." Where in your life are you tempted to take the easy route instead of what’s necessary for God’s purpose, and what is something you can look forward to so that you can stay focused?
Additional Questions
"Sometimes God won’t give you the conclusion; He will just give you courage." Share a time you had to trust God with something without knowing what the outcome would be. How did that experience shape your faith?
“You don’t need clarity to trust God. Your future is not certain, and your hope is Christ.” Where are you facing uncertainty right now, but will continue to trust God will see you through?
Prayer Prompt
Ask this question to your eGroup and include it as part of your closing prayer:
Ask your eGroup, "What is one area of your life where you need to trust God, even though you may not have clarity?"
Pray that your eGroup members develop a deeper trust in God's plan and purposes, even in the midst of uncertainty, for the courage to make necessary decisions, even when they are difficult, and for a renewed focus on the present moment and the opportunities God has provided. Pray that each person would have unwavering hope in Christ and a joyful anticipation of the future He has planned and to be "pulled by purpose" and to make a difference in the world around them.