Make Peace With Your Strength
Pastor Steven Furtick
Conversation Starters
Looking for a way to get the group talking? Try one of these conversation starters.
Easter is this weekend! Share which worship experience you’ll be attending and plan to sit together.
This week, we’re going through the Elevation Easter devotional, “There’s More To Your Story.” What stood out to you so far?
Sermon Reflection
Help transition the group to the discussion with one of these questions.
What stood out to you from this week’s message?
What from the message encouraged you/challenged you the most?
Sermon Discussion
Select 1-2 themes from the sermon to discuss with your eGroup.
Read Judges 6:15. Although Gideon was in what seemed to be an insignificant place, he was not hidden from God. We can’t judge Gideon’s future by his current hidden state. Everything that we go through, when it’s passed through God’s hands, is preparation for the purpose He has for us.
Share a time when you accomplished something you didn’t think you were capable of doing. What did you learn from that experience?
Though God had a purpose for him, Gideon confused his hiddenness with insignificance. Where are you tempted to confuse your hiddenness with your significance?
“Everything is preparation.” What are you experiencing today that you’re trusting is preparation for a purpose God has in store for you?
How can you keep trusting that it’s preparation when you feel like you’re hidden?
We’ve all experienced seasons of survival – when the goal is just to make it through. Thankfully, when God gives us a “survival word” as hope to keep going, He also gives us a “stretching word” when it’s time to move forward into something new.
Share about a season of survival that you’ve faced that stretched you into a new opportunity. What did you learn from that experience?
When you find yourself stuck in a season of survival, what helps you get unstuck and move forward?
Where do you feel God is giving you a “stretching word” and calling you out of survival? What would one practical step forward this week look like for you?
Read Luke 15:28-31. When the older brother wouldn’t go into the house, the father came out to him. Similarly, God meets us where we are, offering us His strength. Pastor Steven taught us that “where our strength comes from determines when it runs out.”
God says to us: “all I have is yours.” What do you need from God this week?
What unreliable source of strength have you looked to in the past? (an unreliable friendship, social media influence, etc.)
How can you begin going to God for His strength this week? (Do the Easter devotional, begin listening to worship on the commute to work, etc.)
Read Judges 6:13-14. Like Gideon, we’re tempted to shrink ourselves down because we’re afraid to step forward – and we’re afraid that if we do, we might fail or be criticized. We shrink to stay safe. Pastor Steven taught us, “the answer to your fear is not to shrink yourself down, the answer is to get moving.” God calls us to depend on Him as we step into what’s next.
God calls Gideon to “go in the strength that [he] had.” What strength do you currently have and what is God calling you to go into with that strength?
Where have you been shrinking yourself down recently? (examples: don’t have the education or experience, lack of support, past failures, etc.)
What’s the first step you can take this week to start stepping into the purpose God is calling you to?
What 1-2 practical things can you do this week to increase your dependence on God when you catch yourself shrinking? (reading the Bible, journaling your fears and giving them to God, time in daily prayer)
Take some time to make a declaration to “go in the strength you have” by filling in the blank: “It may ___, but I won’t ___.” (ex. It may end in failure, but I won’t live in fear.)
Activating Faith
Challenge your group to keep activating their faith. Make this a part of your eGroup time or send this activity to them after you meet.
Pastor Steven told us this week that the battle to overcome the fear and insecurity we face starts on the inside, with the things that we say to ourselves. To strengthen his internal battle, Pastor Steven created some personal mantras to remind him of the truths of God.
Get out your phone or a piece of paper and spend some time writing your own personal mantras that you can recite to yourself this week. It doesn’t have to be complicated, just 1-3 lines that you can say to yourself to remind you of God’s strength and goodness in your life.
Even if I don’t feel strong, you give me all the strength I need.
When I’m tempted to shrink myself this week, I’ll remember that I’m a daughter/son of the King of Kings.
Although I’m feeling tired today, I choose to praise God for this new day and for giving me another opportunity to bless others.
Close out your group with prayer using one of these options
An Interactive Prayer
Get into smaller groups and pray over one another. Pray that God will remind each of you of His strength and that you’ll rely on Him as you take steps forward into what He’s calling you to this week.
A Guided Prayer
Dear God, thank you that even if I feel hidden, I’m not insignificant. Help me rely on your strength this week. Remind me that I’m always welcome into your home, and that whatever belongs to you, you freely give to me. Thank you for the calling you have for my life. I pray you would help me move forward towards that this week. In Jesus’ name, Amen.
Additional Resources
Want to help your group go deeper after you meet? Send them one of these resources that relates to the sermon topic.
Check out, “There’s More to Your Story: Lessons From The Easter Story,” an Easter devotional by Elevation Church!
Watch “Why Am I So Discouraged?,” a YouTube short from Pastor Steven reminding us where true courage comes from.
Listen to “Names” by Elevation Worship to remind yourself of who God says He is and all that He has to offer you.