Making Peace With Missing Pieces
Pastor Steven Furtick
Conversation Starters
What’s your favorite song on the new Elevation Worship album Lion?
Pastor Steven doesn’t like puzzles because he “doesn’t have the patience” for them. What’s something that takes a lot of patience and other people seem to like it, but you don’t? (e.g., painting, fishing, golfing, etc.)
Which of these places would bring you the most peace: a mountain retreat, a beachside bungalow, a hammock in the forest, or a quiet library full of your favorite books?
Ask eGroup members to share their favorite points from the message, what spoke to them, a phrase or moment they related to the most, or questions they have. If members have a hard time recalling the message, talk through your notes and share your favorite points.
Make It Personal
On a scale from 1-10 (1 being negative and 10 being positive), how would you rate your inner self-talk?
Read Exodus 4:10-17. There is a war of words happening inside all of us — what are some words you’ve allowed to take root in your mind that go against the image of God for you? Describe your war of words. (Where have you been saying, “When this _____, then I’ll __________”? How can you change those words so you can experience more joy and gratitude right where you are?)
Pastor Steven talked about Moses’ questions, “Who am I?” “Who are You?” and “What if they?” Which of those do you find yourself asking the most? Why?
When you think of “missing pieces” in our lives, what comes to mind first? What do you think are some common pieces people feel are missing from their daily lives? (e.g., relationships, finances, desires, etc.)
What pieces do you feel are missing from your life right now? Which of those pieces are you allowing to define you?
Pastor Steven encouraged us to “start with the source.” What does that mean to you? How can we practically do that?
Share what you do when you’re seeking an encounter with God. (How do you get reassurance, help, validation, and information from God? Do you listen to a specific song, read scripture, listen to a favorite sermon, etc.?)
Pastor Steven encouraged us to stop letting missing pieces define our lives. Read James 1:4. When we persevere and trust God, we can do what the sermon title challenges us to do and find peace with our missing pieces. How do you plan to practically apply that to your life this week?
Act On It
Let’s win the war of words in our minds this week! Think about the negative words you have been believing about yourself and write down positive words you can replace them with. Place those positive words on your refrigerator, mirror, in your car, or wherever you can to fight against the lies you have been believing about yourself.
Prayer Requests And Prayer
Ask eGroup members to share any prayer requests they have. Record any notes or prayer requests to pray for members during the week. Father, we praise You and we look to You because You hold the full picture of our lives. Open our eyes to the things in our hands and give us peace to move forward when we don’t feel like we have all the pieces. We choose to thank You today for the pieces You’ve provided and the pieces You haven’t. When we can’t see the full picture this week, help us to fill the space between what we see and what we believe with Your presence. In Jesus’ name, amen.