Never Stop Knocking
Pastor Steven Furtick
Conversation Starters
As we celebrate our 16th anniversary, what is your favorite memory of Elevation Church?
When did you start coming to Elevation Church and how did you get connected?
What is one answered prayer you are living in right now?
Ask eGroup members to share their favorite points from the message, what spoke to them, a phrase or moment they related to the most, or any questions they have. If members have a hard time recalling the message, talk through your notes and share your favorite points.
Make It Personal
Pastor Steven preached that Acts 12:1-16 are about both persistence and peace. Peter is an example of having enough peace to sleep while being guarded by sixteen soldiers. How do you sleep when you are chained to a situation bigger than you?
Read Acts 12:11. Peter says, “Now I know without a doubt that the Lord has sent his angel and rescued me from Herod’s clutches.” We all have moments where we have been through something, and “Now know without a doubt” that God was there with you. Share one of those experiences with your eGroup. What did you think beforehand, and what have you now learned of God’s faithfulness on the other side?
Read Acts 12:1-5. We have all experienced unanswered prayers, just as the church experienced in this text. Pastor Steven asked, “In the absence of answers, what grows?” What have you allowed to grow in your life when you don’t get the answers you are looking for?
Referring to Acts 12:8, Pastor Steven preached that we need to get to a point in our trust to ‘move forward by faith without explanation. In other words, keep knocking. What have you stopped knocking for?
Peter was sleeping in a prison guarded by 16 soldiers when the angel told him to be quick and to get up in Acts 12:7. Peter got up and then the chains fell. Peter’s example shows us that obedience is first and then freedom follows. What area in your life is God asking you to “get up” or take action in even without explanation?
Act On It
Read Ephesians 3:20. Pastor Steven said that exceedingly and abundantly more is at the door right now. What are you going to keep knocking for in faith? Write out a prayer for what you’re believing is at your door right now.
Prayer Requests And Prayer
Ask eGroup members to share any prayer requests they have. Record any notes or prayer requests to pray for members during the week. Father, we thank you for the long record of your faithfulness in our lives. We are so grateful for what you’ve taught us that in the absence of answers, you grow our faith and that when we let our faith and allow us to truly rest and be at peace. As we face the hard knocks of life, help us to discern the difference between the things we need to cast off and the doors where we need to keep knocking. In this moment right now, we receive the peace that only comes from you through Jesus Christ our Lord.