New Number Same Name
Pastor Steven Furtick
Sermon Highlights
The God who’s fighting your battles today has been here before — even if you haven’t.
New doesn’t always feel improved at first.
A lot of growth is forgetting what we thought we knew.
The Red Sea wasn’t the finish line, it was the foundation. He isn’t done yet.
God gave you experiences to draw from, not dwell on.
God is consistent and creative.
Let go of your plan so God can show you His purpose.
Sometimes, God is speaking to you and you don’t recognize Him because it doesn’t come the way you expect it.
Isaiah 43:16-21 - God is doing a new thing.
Hebrews 1:1-2 - God spoke in many ways.
Jeremiah 1:5 - God formed you.
Mark 8:22-26 - Jesus heals a blind man.
Mark 10:46-52 - Jesus heals a blind man in a new way.
Sermon Discussion
Conversation Starter
This week we celebrated the 19th anniversary of our church. How has God used the ministry of Elevation Church to impact your life? Is there a song or a sermon that has really spoken to you over the years?
Discussion Questions
“The Red Sea wasn’t the finish line, it was the foundation. He isn’t done yet.” What are you tempted to treat as a finish line in your life that God intends to be a foundation for further growth?
“God is consistent and creative.” Where do you need to trust in God's consistency, even though it feels like He's doing something new or unexpected?
Additional Questions
“A lot of growth is forgetting what we thought we knew.” Share an example of how your understanding of God has changed or deepened over time. How has this helped you view God’s calling on your life differently?
“Sometimes God is speaking to you and you don’t recognize Him because it doesn’t come the way you expect it.” How can you become more attuned to God's voice, even when it comes in unexpected ways?
Prayer Prompt
Ask this question to your eGroup and include it as part of your closing prayer:
Where could God be doing a new thing in your life right now that you’re not recognizing?
Pray that the group would see the new thing that God is doing and the way that God is making in the wilderness. Ask that each person would see and believe that the God who was with them in the past is with them now.