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Elevation Church

Plot Hole

Pastor Steven Furtick

April 14, 2024
47min. read

Sermon Highlights 

  • “A plot hole feels unresolved and illogical, but a plot twist is unexpected and intentional.”

  • “When I’m living in a plot twist, it sometimes feels like a hole because it doesn’t make sense.”

  • “God has a ‘back then’ word for my ‘right now’ situation.”

  • “The more I know about what He spoke, the more I can see what He’s showing me to do – Put a ribbon on it!”

  • “What I need is the power, presence, and plan of the Holy Spirit. You have an audience with the Author.”

  • “The Plot Hole Prayer: ‘Lord, you know _______. Show me _______.’”


Sermon Discussion

Conversation Starter 

  • Every good story has a plot twist, but plot holes are unresolved. Share about a favorite plot twist or a plot hole you noticed from a book, TV show, or movie. 

Sermon Reflection

  • What part of the sermon was just for you?

Discussion Questions 

  • “When I’m living in a plot twist, it sometimes feels like a hole because it doesn’t make sense.” What feels like a plot hole now that the Lord could be making a plot twist?

  • “The Plot Hole Prayer: ‘Lord, you know _______. Show me _______.’” This week, what are you filling the blanks in with? 

Additional Questions 

  • “The most important thing about a plot hole is what I fill it in with. What I fill it with determines what comes forth from it.” What do you need to stop filling your plot holes with, and instead let the Holy Spirit fill them with?

  • “The more I know about what He spoke, the more I can see what He’s showing me to do – Put a ribbon on it!” What’s God showing you now that you need to put a ribbon on for the future?

  • “God has a ‘back then’ word for my ‘right now’ situation.” Share about a time when God showed you something in one season that you needed for a future one. 

Prayer Prompt

Ask this question to your eGroup and include it as part of your closing prayer:

How would you fill in the blanks for your life?

Lord, you know _______. Show me _______.” 

Thank God that He knows the whole story, even when it doesn’t make sense. Ask Him to help each person to stay focused on Him and be receptive to the Spirit’s leading, as He fills in the plot holes of our lives. Ask for wisdom to remember that God is at work and wanting to lead and guide us through His story.