Rags To Righteous!
Pastor Steven Furtick
Sermon Highlights
“God is not against me, but He’s in it with me, working through me, fighting for me.”
“God is not against us, but don’t assume that God will always be in complete agreement with us. Sometimes what God allows is for alignment.”
“Faith doesn’t mean you won’t sink, it means you won’t stay there.”
“God is working in places you can’t see through people you don’t know about.”
“The palace doesn’t prove God’s presence. The pit doesn’t prove His absence.”
“The rags will get you ready. Cause the ropes are coming. The one who wore the rags is the one who holds the rope.”
Jeremiah 38:6-13 - Jeremiah is thrown into a pit and Ebed-Melek gets him out.
Matthew 14:30 - Peter starts to sink and calls to Jesus.
2 Corinthians 5:21 - Through Jesus, we can be righteous.
Proverbs 24:16 - The righteous may fall, but they rise again.
Sermon Discussion
Conversation Starter
Pastor Steven shared about how “Safety Steve” makes his whole family wear helmets when biking. When are you more of a risk-taker, and when do you prefer to play it safe?
Sermon Reflection
What part of the sermon was just for you?
Discussion Questions
“Faith doesn’t mean you won’t sink, it means you won’t stay there.” What do you need to be lifted out of?
“The rags always come before the rope. The rags will get you ready. Cause the ropes are coming.” What “rags” have you been given to prepare you for the “rope” that is coming?
“Jeremiah was sinking, BUT Ebed-Melek helped him out of the pit.” Who do you need to help lift up right now?
Additional Questions
“God is not against us, but don’t assume that God will always be in complete agreement with us. Sometimes what God allows is for alignment.” Share about a difficult experience that realigned you with God’s purpose for your life.
“The palace doesn’t prove God’s presence. The pit doesn’t prove His absence.” What will you do this week to remember God is in it with you when you find yourself sinking?
Prayer Prompt
Ask this question to your eGroup and include it as part of your closing prayer:
What are you believing God to pull you out of?
Pray that God will continue to reveal His presence to each group member in their situations. Ask that He works through them for His glory as they lift others up.