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Elevation Church
Christine Caine preaching "Remember Lot’s Wife" at Elevation Church

Remember Lot’s Wife

Christine Caine

July 19, 2023
93min. read

Conversation Starters

Looking for a way to get the group talking? Try one of these conversation starters.

  • Christine Caine said there are 171 women mentioned in the Bible. Share one of your favorite women in scripture and why she is so memorable to you. 

  • What’s something you often forget? What are some of your favorite ways to remind yourself of these things?

Sermon Reflection

Help transition the group to the discussion with one of these questions. 

  • What stood out to you from this week’s message?

  • What encouraged or challenged you the most?

Sermon Discussion

Select 1-2 themes from the sermon to discuss with your eGroup.

  • In Genesis 19, God sent angels to rescue Lot and his family from the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah. Though the angels instructed them not to look back, Lot’s wife didn’t listen and became a pillar of salt as a result. 

    • Do you find that you more often look back at the past or toward the future? 

    • Christine Caine said, “When you get fixated on what you are supposed to face, you get stuck.” Have you ever been stuck in a place that you were meant to pass through because you fixated on the past? Describe what that was like.

    • When we struggle with disappointments and discouragement from our past, what steps can we take to move towards the future God has for us?

  • In Hebrews 2:1, we are told to be very careful so that we don’t drift away from the truth. Drifting isn’t always the result of sin, but can happen when we do nothing.

    • Read Hebrews 6:19. Hope in God’s purpose for us helps us stay anchored. How does hope help you keep from drifting? 

    • Misplaced hope can prevent us from being anchored to God. What are some things that people try to place their hope in other than God? What can happen when those things disappoint us? 

    • God will never leave or disappoint us. But we have to work to keep our hope firmly anchored in his plans and promises. What’s one thing you can do this week to build your hope in God?

  • Christine Caine gave us ways to see if we’re stuck: desiring to be known more than making Jesus known; putting your preference before God’s purpose; and trying to get from people what you can only get from God. 

    • Which one of these do you think is most dangerous? How could it keep you from moving into what God has for you?

    • Which of these signs have you seen in your own life? How have you overcome it?

    • What can you do this week to ensure that you are prioritizing God’s will above everything else?

  • In Philippians 3:12-14, Paul states that he forgets what is behind, strains toward what is ahead, and presses on toward God’s purposes for him. 

    • Share a passion, goal, or dream that you feel God has given you for your life that you are striving toward.

    • Straining is hard work! What difficult things might you need to do in order to fulfill God’s plans for your life? 

    • What is something you can do this week to move toward God’s purpose, provision, and promises for you? 

Activating Faith

Challenge your group to keep activating their faith. Make this a part of your eGroup time or send this activity to them after you meet.

  • In the book of Judges, God’s people repeatedly found themselves in difficult situations after they “did what was right in their own eyes.” Christine said that we get stuck when we try to do life our way instead of God’s way. This week, reflect on how you spend your time. On a piece of paper, draw a line down the middle. On one side, write out all the things you do that are what you want. On the other side, write out all the things you do that you feel God has called you to do.  After you do this, ask yourself:

    • Are there any ways I spend my time that God would like me to adjust?

    • How can I make some adjustments to promote the change God would want me to make in my life?


Close out your group with prayer using one of these options:

  • An Interactive Prayer

    • Ask people to pray for one person in the group and the areas they’re asking God to move in. Have the group follow suit and pray over each other. [eGroup Leaders: Pray for anyone that was missed as you close.]

  • A Guided Prayer

    • God, thank you for this reminder that you are always with us. Holy Spirit, reveal to us ways we are stuck and fill us with hope, so that we can press forward into everything that you’ve called us to. Empower us to strain forward to what you have for us in the future, and keep us from being fixated on the things in our past that hold us back. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

Additional Resources

Want to help your group go deeper after you meet? Send them one of these resources that relates to the sermon topic.