Rescue Your Testimony
Pastor Steven Furtick
Sermon Highlights
How to be “Hopethetical”
There are two sides to this story: There’s what you went through, and there’s what you got from what you went through.
Instead of seeing yourself as going through something, see yourself as getting something from it.
Commemorate every “crossing” in your life.
Not all processing is productive. Invite God into your processing.
The more you understand the access that you have to God, the more peace you will have.
Romans 5:1-9 - The proof starts with suffering, and that’s what leads to hope.
Joshua 4:1-9 - Joshua sets stones in the Jordan
Sermon Discussion
Conversation Starter
Pastor Steven talked about, Hypotethcial vs.“Hopethetical.” Are you more of a hypothetical person or a hopethetical person?
eGroup Highlights
What’s your highlight from this week’s sermon?
Discussion Questions
“Instead of seeing yourself as going through something, see yourself as getting something from it.” Share something you’re going through right now and how you want to see it differently.
“Commemorate every ‘crossing’ in your life.” Share one thing that you’re grateful God’s brought you through.
Additional Questions
“The pain proves the worth of your faith.” Share a time when going through something painful actually helped to build your faith.
“Not all processing is productive. Invite God into your processing.” When you are going through something difficult, how do you practically keep yourself from spiraling into hypotheticals?
Prayer Prompt
Ask this question to your eGroup and include it as part of your closing prayer:
Pastor Steven said, “The more you understand the access that you have to God, the more peace you will have.” Where do you need more peace in your life right now?
Pray that your eGroup members are reminded of the presence of God in their life. Ask that when they begin to worry, that they remember to invite God into their processing, and that His peace will fill their mind and their heart.