Same Devils, New Levels
Pastor Steven Furtick
Conversation Starters
What’s your favorite/least favorite cliche?Several video games came up in this sermon — but what’s the BEST video game ever?Pastor Steven relates to David in several ways. Who’s a favorite Bible character or someone you relate to?
Ask eGroup members to share their favorite points from the sermon, what spoke to them, a phrase or moment from the sermon they related to the most, or questions they have. If members have a hard time recalling the sermon, talk through your notes and share your favorite points.
Make It Personal
What’s something that’s “still going on” that surprises you? (e.g., a TV show, a social trend or fad, a family tradition, etc.)
Read 2 Samuel 21:15-17. Once again, David was fighting the Philistines. In your own life, where are you thinking “still this”? (What battles are you still fighting? Where would you like to shift from “once again” to “never again”?)
Think about that battle you’re still fighting. How is that devil dressed differently than it was before? (e.g., fighting stress at work, but it’s from the same old battle against self-doubt) How can that perspective help you approach the same battle in a new way?
David wasn’t weak during the battle — he was just weary. Do you feel weak in any areas where you’re usually strong? What are some things that have led to that exhaustion? (Have you stopped making room for God in those areas?)
What battles that you don’t even have to fight are making you tired? (Are there imaginary battles you’re fighting in your mind? Arguments at work or at home that don’t even matter? Where are you defeated because you’re drained? Where are you stronger than what you’re acting like?)
Read Revelation 2:5. One way we fall is by letting our enemies get too close. Consider where in your life you might need to say “stop” because you’re letting your enemies get too close. What are those enemies? How are they pushing away the gifts of the Father? (How are you dying at the hands of ish?)
The strategy has to match the season. Talk about your approach to this season and the battles you’re fighting. Where is your strategy outdated? (Is there a strategy that made you successful in one season, and it’s making you weary in this one?)
What steps can you take to update your strategy? (How do you need to make room for God? Do you need to put down a sword and put on some armor?)
Ishbi-Benob was trying to kill David, so God sent Abishai to help him. Share about an Abishai you’ve had in the past.
Who is an Abishai in your life right now? Are there ways you’re pushing them away? (Are you listening to what they have to say? Jesus is an Abishai for you — what are some ways you might be pushing Him away?)
Act On It
This week, protect your light (your perspective, passion, and purpose) and stop fighting battles at the wrong level — it’s time to use a new weapon in the battles you’ve been facing.One way could be by bringing your Abishai close. Reach out to that person and let them know the role they play in your life, and take a step to keep them close. (e.g., weekly lunches, praying for each other every day, doing a devotional or Bible study together, etc.)You could also take a look at the decisions you’re making in this season and ask yourself if they’re going to get you from “once again” to “never again.” What are some different decisions you can start making?
Prayer Requests And Prayer
Ask eGroup members to share any prayer requests they have. Record any notes or prayer requests to pray for members during the week.Father, we’re so grateful for how You’re continuing to show us how to make room for You in this season. This week, show us what we need to do to update our strategy. Please show us the decisions You want us to make differently, and reveal an Abishai in our lives who we’ve been pushing away. Guide us to someone we can BE an Abishai for — help us see how we can fight for them. In Jesus’ name, amen.