Source Material
Pastor Steven Furtick
Sermon Highlights
“If you’re supposed to do it, you will have God’s support for it.”
“Two things that have always been there since the beginning of Creation: The Spirit of God and the Word of God.”
“It’s not what I go through, it’s where it came from that determines its result. The storm that was sent to destroy me will develop me.”
“Wisdom is knowing what I’m not supposed to be doing.”
“If I support what I suppose, I will find evidence for it.”
“I can’t get it from below. It must be given from above.”
Acts 2:1-18 - The Holy Spirit fills the disciples and empowers them to share the Gospel miraculously.
Gen 1:1-3 - The Spirit of God hovered over the waters before Creation.
Acts 1:9 - Jesus was taken up.
Sermon Discussion
Conversation Starter
Many people read the book about Alexander Hamilton, but only Lin Manuel Miranda was inspired by it to write the Tony-award-winning musical “Hamilton.” Share about something that, once you saw it, you wished you had created.
Sermon Reflection
What part of the sermon was just for you?
Discussion Questions
“If I’m supposed to do it, I will have God’s support for it.” In what areas of your life have you asked “How am I supposed to do THAT when all I have is THIS?” How is God supporting you in it? (ex: forgiveness, parenting, patience)
“I can’t get it from below. It must be given from above.” What do you need to receive from God that you have been trying to get from other people or things? (ex: love, validation, acceptance)
Additional Questions
“Two things that have always been there since the beginning of Creation: The Spirit of God and the Word of God.” When things seem chaotic or dark in your life, how can you allow the Spirit and the Word of God help you?
“It’s not what I go through, it’s where it came from that determines its result. The storm that was sent to destroy me will develop me.” Share about something you’ve experienced that God used to develop you.
“Wisdom is knowing what I’m not supposed to be doing.” Is there something, past or present, you sensed that you are not supposed to be doing?
Prayer Prompt
Ask this question to your eGroup and include it as part of your closing prayer:
What have you been trying to do in your own strength?
Ask God to revive each group member with the breath from heaven. Pray that God would direct them and move them forward, and that instead of running from one thing to the next they would seek God and allow Him to do the work in and through them. Pray for each to find wisdom to do what God calls them to do and to stop doing what God doesn’t want them to do.