The Battle Made Me
Pastor Stephen Chandler
Sermon Highlights
Some battles come looking for me
Some battles I go looking for
Running from battles is not an option
There is a blessing in the battle
The enemy will attack the potential inside of you
There is something a battle develops inside of you that you can’t get any other way
The battles you fought in your past are preparing you for the victory ahead of you
Don’t diminish who God called you to be just to avoid a battle
You are safest running forward in faith
1 Samuel 21:6-13 — David gets Goliath’s sword
1 Samuel 17:34-35 — David defends his father’s sheep
Matthew 11:12 — God’s people are under attack
2 Samuel 11:1 — David tries to avoid a battle
Sermon Discussion
Conversation Starter
Pastor Stephen shared about how his mother would have him stand in a parking spot to save it. What’s your strategy in a full parking lot?
eGroup Highlights
What’s your highlight from this week’s sermon?
Discussion Questions
“There is a blessing in the battle.” What’s a blessing you’re walking in today that you gained on the other side of a battle you’ve faced?
“The battles you fought in your past are preparing you for the victory ahead of you.” What tools of faith have you learned that you can apply to a current battle in your life?
Additional Questions
“You are safest running forward in faith.” What is God calling you to have the courage to face in your life right now?
“Don’t diminish who God called you to be just to avoid a battle.” In what ways are you tempted to diminish yourself when you’re tempted to avoid a battle? (Examples: get quiet, stop trying)
“Running from battles is not an option.” In what area of your life have you grown tired of fighting? Take a moment and pray over these together.
Prayer Prompt
Ask this question to your eGroup and include it as part of your closing prayer:
Pastor Stephen said that, “the enemy will attack the potential inside of you.”
Ask your eGroup: What potential has God placed inside of you that the enemy would want to keep hidden?
Pray that each member would be reminded that God has placed purpose and potential within each one, and that they would have the courage to stand firm in the battles they are currently facing.