The Bread Is In Your Hands
Holly Furtick
Sermon Highlights
“I feel closer to God when I am kinder to others.”
“We don’t get to choose the people that God has placed in our lives, but we do get to choose how we see the people in our lives.”
“You don’t need more. You need the faith to see what you already have in your hands, and the courage to give it over to Jesus.”
“When we’re facing a ‘not enough’ moment, our first prayer should be, ‘Lord, change what I see.’”
“Having compassion is less about signing up to serve and more about who’s right in front of you.”
Mark 8:1-10 - Jesus feeds the four thousand
Luke 6:32-35 - Love your enemies
John 13:34-35 - Love one another
John 10:10 - Jesus came to give us life
Isaiah 7:14 - He will be called Immanuel, God with us
Sermon Discussion
Conversation Starter
It’s Christmas at Elevation next weekend! Have each person share their Christmas plans, and then coordinate plans to attend an Elevation Christmas experience or watch it together online. Click here for locations and times.
Sermon Reflection
What part of the sermon was just for you?
Discussion Questions
“You don’t need more. You need the faith to see what you already have in your hands, and the courage to give it over to Jesus.” What has God given you in your hands? What would it look like to give that over to Jesus?
“Having compassion is less about signing up to serve and is more about who is right in front of you.” Who has God placed right in front of you, and how might God be calling you to show them compassion?
Additional Questions
“I feel closer to God when I am kinder to others.” Share about a time you’ve seen this play out in your life.
Holly shared about “Spiritual Amnesia – forgetting the things that God has done for you.” When has God met a need in your life that you can look back on to remember His faithfulness.
Prayer Prompt
Pastor Holly taught us: “When we’re faced with ‘not enough’ moments, our first prayer should be, ‘Lord, change what I see.’”
Ask your eGroup where they’re currently facing “not enough” moments. Pray that God will help them change what they see, and that they will have the courage to hand everything over to Jesus by faith.