The Frustration Of Expectation
Pastor Rich Wilkerson Jr.
Conversation Starters
You’ve got to pick a new first name for yourself that starts with a “W.” What name do you pick?
If someone bet you wouldn’t jump into a pool from 33 feet up (the height of an Olympic high dive platform), how much would the bet have to be for you to do it?
Everyone has pet peeves. What pet peeve frustrates you the most?
Ask eGroup members to share their favorite points from the sermon, what spoke to them, a phrase or moment from the sermon they related to the most, or questions they have. If members have a hard time recalling the sermon, talk through your notes and share your favorite points.
Make It Personal
Would you describe yourself as an expectant person? (Do you have high expectations for people and events? What are some things you expect during a normal day?)
Read Romans 8:18-19. What does it mean to have expectation for God in your life? Describe how someone lives when they do or don’t have that expectation. (Discuss some reasons we might not live with expectation.)
Share some things you’re expecting God to do in your life and some areas where you’ve stopped expecting God to work. How can you raise your expectations? (Does someone in your group need help believing for something? Consider writing down prayer requests to follow up with your group members on during this question.)
What would it look like for you to enter “Tip-Toe Season”? (What’s your posture now? How would things change if you got into a posture of excitement and anticipation?)
Read Romans 8:24-25. There’s a gap between what we expect and when it actually happens, and that gap is frustrating. Where are you frustrated? How does this passage challenge you?
Pastor Rich challenged us to not curse our frustration, but to manage it, because that’s how we get revelation. How can you better manage your frustration? (Think about something specific you might face this week. Where you waiting? Are you embracing the wait with elimination or preparation?)
Go deeper. Read Habakkuk 3:17-18. In this passage, the writer describes being unable to get joy from ANY of his surroundings — the only joy available is through God, who is unchanging. Real talk: Where have you been getting your joy? How does the source of your joy impact your ability to wait on God with expectation?
Act On It
Choose the steps you’ll take to put this message into action.
Manage your frustration. Wherever you’re feeling frustrated, challenge yourself to keep pushing forward and believe that what’s on the other side is worth the effort and frustration. What can you eliminate or prepare while you wait for breakthrough?
Get into a posture of expectation. Show God you’re expecting Him to move — lean forward (enter a “Tip-Toe Season”) and believe in faith God will show up even in areas where you’ve stopped hoping.
Prayer Requests And Prayer
Ask eGroup members to share any prayer requests they have. Record any notes or prayer requests to pray for members during the week. Father, thank You for always being worthy of our expectation. Help us return to a posture of waiting expectantly to see You move, and show us the things we can do in the meantime to get ready for all You have in mind to do. In Jesus’ name, amen.