The Gift Of Grief
Lisa Harper
Sermon Highlights
Our Creator never says, “I only want your positivity.” Our Creator says, “Bring me everything.”
Revivals follow pits.
God says: “I am not just your Savior, I am your Sustainer.”
What grief are you pretending doesn’t hurt?
Do not ache alone.
The presence of God during difficult seasons becomes the cornerstone of our faith.
1 Kings 18:17-38 - Elijah challenged by the prophets of Baal
1 Kings 19:1-5 - The Angel of the Lord provides for Elijah
Psalm 22:1-19 - David cries out to God
Psalm 34 - The Lord is near to the brokenhearted
Sermon Discussion
Conversation Starter
Lisa talked about how she loves the 4th of July holiday. What is your favorite holiday to celebrate and why?
Sermon Reflection
What part of the sermon was just for you?
Discussion Questions
“Revivals follow pits.” Share about a difficult season you went through that led to a season of revival.
“Our Creator never says, ‘I only want your positivity.’ Our Creator says, ‘Bring me everything.’” What would it look like for you to bring God your “everything” this week? (your grief, sadness, anger, frustration, etc.)
Additional Questions
“What grief are you pretending doesn’t hurt?” What have you been "pretending doesn't hurt" that you need to finally bring to God?
“The presence of God during difficult seasons becomes the cornerstone of our faith.” How has experiencing God’s presence in the midst of a difficult season helped strengthen your faith?
Prayer Prompt
Ask this question to your eGroup and include it as part of your closing prayer:
Lisa Harper encouraged us to never “ache alone.” What aches are weighing you down right now that our eGroup can help carry with you?
Pray that each of your members will boldly and honestly share about any aches they’re carrying. Pray God comforts them in the midst of their aches, and that God gives your eGroup members wisdom in how to care for each other based on what is shared.